Is it normal for a 10 year old boy to pretend lemonade bottles are spaceships?
My 10 year old boy always pretends that our empty lemonade bottles are spaceships. IIN?
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My 10 year old boy always pretends that our empty lemonade bottles are spaceships. IIN?
Agreed. I'm 21 and sometimes act like a kid, it's better than being sour faced and serious.
It's called an imagination. Many young children do stuff like that. Heck, at 15 I still do stuff like that xP
So, yeah. Normal :)
Is this a serious fucking question? What in the world make you believe it was abnormal?
Lol yes. I was in the back seat of the car and my hand was a space ship flying towards the moon outside the window. I'm seventeen(:
I still imagine having conversations with stuffed animals. I dont want them to get lonely if they have souls so i have to... But thats normal to have an active imagination, dont question other peoples imaginations no matter how old they are. Its hurtful if you call it childish because age is not a limitation it only makes you childish.
I'm 34 and I still watch cartoons and read comics...anyway your kid is normal and in fact at least he's using his imagination and not glued to an X Box.
i am a nurse, and i love nothing more than to play Pokemon in my spare time. ill never grow out of it!!!
I played with toys til my freshman year of high schoo;l get off his back, and grab your own spaceship
lol I'm 19 and I do immature stuff all the time. I'm still really smart lol there's nothing wrong with it
When I was his age, I would place my Star Wars action figures into two different metal lunch boxes and recreate the spaceship battles from the original movie. It was even more fun when my father played with me. Of course, he always had to pilot the imperial ships.