Is it normal for a christian to feel indifferent about homosexuality?

So, the Bible clearly says in multiple places that homosexuality is wrong, (sorry, that's just how it is).

A fair amount of Christians, my parents included, PERSONALLY consider homosexuality to be revolting. I, however, don't really care.

I'm definitely not the type to go out with a sign saying that gays will burn in hell. I can't support gay rights, but I don't mind that they can marry in all states now.

The way I see it, if God is so offended by a consenting man getting done up the ass in his own home, or two chicks scissoring, he can take care of that himself.

Lesbians are gross to me, but I don't personally take it seriously. Homosexuals aren't bothering me.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • _Mehhhh_

    Well it's mature, and I guess you're just very comfortable in your sexuality/gender identity and don't think about it much.

    I think it also means you're not a hypocrite. Virtually no Christians in the 21st Century are seriously literal by-the-book Christians who follow all the rules.

    It always gets me how someone who was not a virgin on their wedding day, will probably get divorced if they haven't already, has had multiple affairs and masturbates all the time... is suddenly a "devout Christian" when the topic of homosexuality comes up. It's laughable.

    I respect religious people a lot more when they just take this kind of "well everyone has their sins they deal with" kind of attitude and just let God do the judging.

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    • Algum

      Yes, there are no Christians that never sometimes have sinned and done something that goes against what's in the Bible. I'm a Christian and I know as a fact that God will forgive you if you repent your sins. But God also knows we're all human and incapable of being perfect. The best thing to do is to not try to be perfect and to "follow every rule to the letter", nobody should be expected to do that, you just need to be the best you can be while at the same time at least sometimes enjoying everything in life around you without worrying if it is "against the rules". Just don't do the obviously bad stuff, robbery, harm, kill, or rape anyone, destroy people or property, etc.

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    • Boojum

      Even more amusing are the "devout Christian" teens who believe that anal sex isn't "real sex", so they can give and take it up the ass every week after their fellowship pot-luck picnic, and still be virgins.

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  • jimbo35

    I like your attitude about this issue. Too many people get too worked up about what others are doing.

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  • Nickvey

    There is not a single Greek word or phrase in the entire New Testament that should be translated into English as “homosexual” or “homosexuality.” In fact, the very notion of “homosexuality”—like that of “heterosexuality,” “bisexuality,” and even “sexual orientation”—is essentially a modern concept that would simply have been unintelligible to the New Testament writers. The word “homosexuality” came into use only in the latter part of the nineteenth century, and, as New Testament scholar Victor Paul Furnish notes, it and related terms “presume an understanding of human sexuality that was possible only with the advent of modern psychological and sociological analysis.” In other words, “The ancient writers . . . were operating without the vaguest conception of what we have learned to call ‘sexual orientation’.”1 (In the rest of this article I shall use the terms “homosexual” and “homosexuality” strictly for the sake of convenience.) No Christians even existed until the new testimate as Jesus was a Jew

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  • amg1028

    see im gay and this is completely understandable too me and i wish there were more of people like you. I respect your views and thank you for not being an asshole lol. I hope you have a wonderful life filled with many blessings.

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  • SmokeEverything

    God created this whole earth and actually the entire universe, just to send a bunch of talking monkeys to hell for masturbating. When god is the one who invented masturbation in the first place. The logic here is infallible.

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  • Grunewald

    Sin should be apparent as sin. We aren't indifferent to other kinds of sin, so why this?

    But by the same token, we aren't called to revile other kinds of sinner. So we aren't called to revile those who sin sexually either.

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  • LionsMane

    The negativity is less about the simple act of gay intercourse and more about what it transcends into. Gay people want to adopt children and then their children might be more prone to think being gay is "cool", etc. Youth now advocates homosexuality because we've legalized gay marriage yet turn a blind eye to the obvious glaring STD/AIDS issue, gay men face. Plus, the promiscuity in some cases is out of this world. Have a gay aunt who would fuck anyone just to avoid being alone. A gay guy cousin who was in an open relationship. I mean the fact that gay men often refer to each other as tops and bottoms is kind of unsettling when the argument is about "love is love". Gay people now can become CEOs or Vice President, etc, and this can possibly negatively affect the lives of all of the company's employees.

    Even the pets can be negatively affected. I've never seen a female dog lick itself as much as my aunt's. It's just like if you force a dog to stay with you in your room with you all the time it can become socially withdrawn.

    I guess to some, it's bit of a matter of perspective but I feel there's a lot of psychology and sense as to why homosexuality is less wanted.

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    • How would homosexual CEOs negatively affect the company's employees? Also, are you saying that your aunt's dog is socially withdrawn somehow because of her owner's lesbianism?

      Pardon me.

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      • LionsMane

        I'm saying my aunt is so promiscuous that I'm inclined to think her female dog has learned from her given how frequently she licks her privates. It's only a guess though.

        As far as CEOs negatively impacting, there's at times a lot of underlying mental illness involved with homosexuality from a conservative's perspective. You know how they say "sociopaths make the best CEOs"? That's only for a perspective of getting things done but in an environment with old-fashioned people you'll just be figurative cancer to them. Or, since homosexuality or bisexuality is all about being open minded, a CEO who is one of the two may be more willing to take certain risks that some employees aren't going to want in their lives.

        Of course you could make the argument against everything I've said but again most of this topic is about perspective

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        • I find the prospect of a dog learning cunnilingus from a promiscuous lesbian to be hilarious.

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          • LionsMane

            Lol I know. I mean, of course dogs lick themselves but this dog spends 50% of its time licking itself

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  • RoseIsabella

    I love homosexuals, the people who were always there for me when I was in college in my early twenties and would go off the rails were gay men. I like to think I never forget the people who show me kindness.

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  • paramore93

    The bible also bans wearing polyester ..
    'You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together'
    It bans all sorts of crazy shit that people do every day ..
    People pick and choose which rules to follow and which to ignore ..
    If a christian is wearing polyester, ripped jeans, jewellery or even just having a gossip they have no right to condemn homosexuality ..

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  • suckonthis9

    So you have embroiled yourself in a paradoxical religious cult.

    The Bible denounces homosexuality; but at the same time the Bible espouses the policy of unsustainable population growth, that ultimately leads to overpopulation.
    It is a well-known fact, through study and observation, that in social animals, where conditions of overpopulation exists, the incidences of homosexual behaviours increases exponentially.

    You may proclaim that you are not an animal all that you want to; but it does not change the proven facts that you are, in fact, an animal, and as such, much of your animal behaviour(s) is /are genetically pre-programmed into you. Much of which you had inherited from distant non-human ancestors.

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  • Boojum

    Surely you're not talking about the rules laid down in Leviticus, since no sane Christian tries to comply with all the absurd strictures there.

    It's arguable that nothing at all is said in the New Testament about homosexuality. Check out the link at the bottom if you genuinely have an open mind.

    There is something definitely mentioned several times in the New Testament which Christians conveniently ignore these days: slavery.

    Slavery was a part of normal part of life when Jesus supposedly lived, but nothing whatsoever is written about him ever saying anything _against_ slavery.

    That hero of all right-thinking Christians, Paul (from whose warped mind so much that is wrong about Christianity flowed), sent an escaped slave back to his owner, thus demonstrating that good Christians support slavery.

    "Servants" are mentioned several times in English translations of the NT. Servants were slaves.

    Whack-job Paul again: "Ephesians 6:5: "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as unto Christ." In other words, "Slaves, God wants you to accept your masters and fear them as you fear him."

    That was a favorite Bible passage in the southern states prior to the Civil War. Slave owners obviously understood exactly what was meant by "servant", but nobody talks about that today.

    A sensible person has to wonder why more modern Christians aren't more vociferous about their support for slavery. After all, the Big Book of Fairytales says God approves of the institution. So how can they say, "Well, times have changed and we knows slavery is wrong now. And maybe there's nuthin in the Gospels 'bout it, but gosh-darn it, them homos is evil!"

    You've made a sensible step towards rationality by rejecting the homophobia of many Bible-bashers. Maybe you'll someday be able to step back a little more and realize that the whole damn thing is a steaming crock.

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    • Actually, the New Testament is still against homosexuality.
      Romans 1:26-27 and many others.

      There's no need for you to attack my faith by saying it's a "steaming crock", especially when it's clear that I don't push my religious beliefs onto others.

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    • suckonthis9

      "Slavery was a part of normal part of life when Jesus supposedly lived, but nothing whatsoever is written about him ever saying anything _against_ slavery."

      This is probably due to the fact that 'slavery' in the Empire, wasn't the brutish and oppressive form of slavery that had been practiced in more recent history.
      'Slavery' in the Empire was generally looked upon favourably by the plebians and by most slaves themselves, for the most part.

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      • suckonthis9

        Also, anyone who incited a slave revolt in the Empire, would have been treated to a certain death, very swiftly and harshly.

        Remember, that nearly all of the history that was written on such subjects, was written from an extremely biased perspective, by persons involved in a particular religious cult, who did frequently incite slave revolts. Most of which, was written centuries after the fact, when the true facts had become vague and were obscured by time.

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