Is it normal for a father to make her daughter have an abortion

I went out with a Muslim girl, her Father worked for a Muslim newspaper that was pro Jihad and spread propaganda about non Muslim people.

We had to keep our relationship a secret, she became pregnant and I said we could move away from her Father and she could have the baby. Her Father spoiled her, paid for her car, phone, rent, holidays ect. So she decided to tell her father and try to convince him to accept me. Her Fathers response was if she did not have an abortion he would kill her and me, so she had an abortion, told me what had happened and I never got to see her again. This happened in Australia and I'm handsignals.

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39% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Any religion taken to extreme is not normal and causes problems. unfortunately humans are not yet evolved enough for most of them to think for themselves and realize how much beliefs that were created long ago to control people are still damaging society. It is very disappointing.

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  • reminiscent

    Nice sending me this link...

    I see now why you hate all muslims if this story is true.
    again I must tell you not all people who follow the religion are like cant shove everyone together because there are a few bad people. I will say I am sorry for your loss.

    Is this normal? No its not...but you want to know something parents in other cultures have done this kind of thing...trying to make there kids get an fact it has even happened in america!
    Fathers have threatened to kill over stuff like this...even beaten the bf.

    Sounds like she didnt want to give up her nice lifestyle...she chose the lifestyle over you and the baby... again I am sorry this happened to you.

    Maybe you should try clicking my link for a sure you sent me this one as proof of how evil all muslims are and how the condone rape. But I still dont agree with you or your hatred of an entire group of people....ty

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  • Dad

    Who would hate the people of religious beliefs I don't know. You yourself stated you went out with a Muslim girl so obviously you don't hate these people.

    What people hate (or condemn as barbaric) is the religion. Muslims follow the Islamic belief (praying 5 times a day and a whole lot more idiotic stuff) THAT's what people hate.

    If your girlfriend doesn't want her father to control her then she should leave her belief (which of course is death by law) and obviously move to where she can be safe and decide for herself if she wants to abort or not.

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