Is it normal for a girl to hate dogs?

I'm a woman in my late twenties, my boyfriend and me are disgusted by dogs and people who let the dog in their bed to sleep with them. So many girls I know don't understand that they're letting fleas,bugs,worms,fungus, everywhere.

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64% Normal
Based on 77 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • sillygirl77

    I don't see it that way. I have a dog. We don't sleep with the dog, because she's 6 pounds and we're afraid of hurting her during the night if we roll over. She has no fleas or worms and she's groomed once a month and taken to the doctor regularly. I don't think it would be gross to sleep with her personally nor does my husband.

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  • kasaikitsune12

    whats the difference of a girl hating a dog than a guy hating dogs?

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  • Ponywriter

    Fuck you - something is wrong with people who don't like dogs.
    Go fuck yourself

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  • mysistersshadow

    Sounds like you shouldn't get a dog then.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I always prefer animals to people don't like animals!

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  • captain-america

    leave her alone.

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    • FORUMiadableFucker0

      Sorry lady I don't need your bullshit either.A L T E R N A T E A C O U N T S much?

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  • germanshepherd

    You're an idiot. And not all dogs have worms, fleas, etc. And fungus, how stupid are you? Iyou make me sick

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  • Jess1010

    Every person and animal is dirty. Period, that is the truth. I can tolerate mine and my family's dirt but I think it's weird not to be bothered by other animal dirt. It seems unnatural almost. It doesn't matter if you put flea medicine on the dog or bathe it regularly. It still sheds, sweats, poops, pees, slobbers, has bacteria on it. Some people are not grossed out by it but if you are it is completely understandable. Some people with animals have nasty houses. I can't stand being in them. I have a new dog and house that I try to keep as clean as possible and I still am not happy with how dirty it feels because of the dog. To each his own.

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  • Ta2ed4u

    Don't worry, I educated the retarded person about how filthy humans are since this person (why do I think it's a woman) seems to think she is so pure.

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  • Ta2ed4u

    What about the fact that you sleep with billions of dust mites that are in your matress, duvet and pillows? Or the eyelash mites that live in your eyelashes and eyebrows, even after you wash your face? And think of all the spiders and centepedes that crawl over you in your sleep.
    You are worrying about the wrong things. If you think you are clean and dogs are dirty, you are in for a shock. Look up 'what lives on humans and what lives in furniture'.

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  • StupidStaysee

    omfg i hate dogs too. I totally know how ya'll feel! they just spread diseases and fleas. i honestly see dogs as vermin, not gonna lie...

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    • Ta2ed4u

      Where do you live that dogs are dirty and full of fleas? That sounds like a ghetto.
      I live in an upper class neighbourhood and all the dogs are well groomed and walked on leashes and their owners pick up their poop with a bag.
      Maybe you need to go to school to better your life and then you won't have to live with ferral dogs running around a ghetto.

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    • germanshepherd

      You are a fan idiot. You are a disease

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  • Good-Girl

    I hate dogs too. i resist the urge to kick them and stomp on their viscious heads.

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    • Ta2ed4u

      By the way, I resist the urge to rip out the reproduction organs of uneducated, ghetto people so as they can't make another generation of ghetto, school drop outs.

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    • Ta2ed4u

      I hate uneducated rude people and if there were a way to get rid of them to make our country better, I would be all for it.

      Actually, never mind, you probably can't even read so my comment is falling on deaf ears.


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  • FORUMiadableFucker0

    I hate all animals, too damn disrespectful.

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    • Ta2ed4u

      I hate people that speak like ignorant ghetto fools. For god's sake - go to school. You will be looked down upon during your entire life and destined to be poor if that is your speech pattern.
      Make de-ghetto-izing yourself your number one priority if you want to get anywhere in life.
      Hey, if you watch Rob and Chyna, even she is trying her hardest to de-ghetto-ize herself.

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