Is it normal for a guy to be intimidated and feel threatened by taller women?

I'm 5'11 and I feel real uncomfortable with women taller than me. I've always had this fear, but its only been recently that it started to bother me when a girl who was just a bit taller than me - around 6ft, came up to talk/flirt with me. She was very attractive and I was trying to put aside the pathetic one inch height difference, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I was paranoid that people were looking at us funny and judging me even though we were just talking, so I had to turn around and walk away.

Doesn't happen often thankfully because hardly any girls are actually taller than 5'11, but when it does happen, it almost feels like my masculinity is at risk, which is very important to a guy, rendering me weak and feeble. As a red-blooded male, I HAVE to feel like a man because it gives me confidence which helps in attracting females, but ever since I was approached by a taller female I have felt less of a man.

I never thought it would become this much of a burden and now I am afraid it will show in the near future when I am trying to find another date. I know it sounds over the top and I'm surprised it has affected me this much, but I'm sure most guys can relate on some level that they would prefer someone shorter than them, so surely you can understand just a little bit what I am going through.

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51% Normal
Based on 71 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • 69

    you would only be less of a man if she had a dick bigger then yours

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    • Well its not as if I was talking to a cross dresser, unless you know something that I don't?

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    • Tenderlovin

      laughed so hard

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    • RoseIsabella

      Hell to the yeah!

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  • EccentricWeird

    I fucking love tall girls. Greatest ever.

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  • Crusades

    You said your height is important to you when it comes to attracting women. Well this girl who was taller than you was clearly attracted to you since she approached you first. So what the fuck is your problem?

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  • RoseIsabella

    This is all in your head you know. There are plenty of shorter men who date almost exclusively tall women, rock stars and their model wives and girlfriends for example. This isn't so much about your height or how tall or short women are, but rather your lack of security in your own masculinity.

    *puts on a fake beard and lights a cigar*

    Tell me about your relationship with your mother.

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  • Mersaphe

    I also feel my masculinity is "threatened" when I'm around taller women. However, unlike you, I'm only 5 foot 7 and a half. I'm in the Tom Cruise range. I think at some point I just stopped growing during puberty. I don't think I've grown since I was 13 and I'm 25 now. So you can imagine how much harder it is for me. Average height for females in US is around 5'4 but PLENTY of girls/women I see everyday are taller than me, especially with heels. It is super annoying but I've come to accept it. There's nothing I can do about my height but change my attitude and work on things about me that I actually have control over. Average height for guys in America is 5 foot 9 so you've got nothing to worry about. Look at it this way: the girls you see who are the same height or taller than you are considered GIANTS (e.g., a 5'11 girl is the equivalent of a 6'4 guy), it's not that you're short. The golden rule is 5 inches, so if I was a girl I would probably be about 5 foot 2 inches which is petite, but there are lots of shorter girls so I don't feel I would stick out

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  • knuckles94

    I can't date a girl taller then me its weird

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  • pixie_dust

    A girl thats taller just gives u the position better to suck her titties.

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  • 53739

    Short men just have to deal with it. I see women everyday walking around who are taller than me - I learned to accept it after a while.

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    I think that it is normal to be intimidated by someone taller than you. Being 5'11" is a good height for men, and since there aren't many girls taller than that height, I would think that you would feel quite uncomfortable by that because you aren't used to that. I am a girl, and I am 5'10", and if met someone taller than me, no matter what sex, I would feel intimidated, too.

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  • I like long legs as much as the next guy, but not when she's taller than me. I guess its more to do with myself than to do with her that's the problem. I know there's some of you guys that would feel exactly like me. Its a man thing. Don't deny it. Women want someone taller than them, men want someone shorter than them. There's always exceptions however because none of us think exactly the same.

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  • perfectxsilence

    It's a preference you have. I think you're just not into taller women and that's completely normal. Most men like an average height girl or short if they're short as men do like to be taller.

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  • Thatguy777

    Dude at least your not fucking 5'4 like me. I feel small to everyone and I rarely find girls SHORTER than me that show interest

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