Is it normal for a guy to be intimidated and feel threatened by taller women?
I'm 5'11 and I feel real uncomfortable with women taller than me. I've always had this fear, but its only been recently that it started to bother me when a girl who was just a bit taller than me - around 6ft, came up to talk/flirt with me. She was very attractive and I was trying to put aside the pathetic one inch height difference, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I was paranoid that people were looking at us funny and judging me even though we were just talking, so I had to turn around and walk away.
Doesn't happen often thankfully because hardly any girls are actually taller than 5'11, but when it does happen, it almost feels like my masculinity is at risk, which is very important to a guy, rendering me weak and feeble. As a red-blooded male, I HAVE to feel like a man because it gives me confidence which helps in attracting females, but ever since I was approached by a taller female I have felt less of a man.
I never thought it would become this much of a burden and now I am afraid it will show in the near future when I am trying to find another date. I know it sounds over the top and I'm surprised it has affected me this much, but I'm sure most guys can relate on some level that they would prefer someone shorter than them, so surely you can understand just a little bit what I am going through.