Is it normal for a male cat to look and act female?

I have 2 male cats, brothers from the same litter, had them since they were born (I owned their mama cat). One is classic masculine in looks and behavior and the other is a total fag! He looks female. Everyone who sees him thinks he is a girl just based on looks. He also acts like a female...prancing around being lovey and doing that female cat stretch with his back legs. He's very feminine in all ways.


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Comments ( 17 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Everyone thinks cats are girls. Its the default pronoun for most cats. And I'm not sure what you mean. Male and female cats do act differently, but I see nothing wrong with the behavior. Females are more aloof and finicky while males cats tend to be more friendly and likely to roll over and show you their belly. I'm not sure what your cat is doing that makes you think "fag" but I get the feeling you are just being a little bitch.

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    • In my experience people usually refer to animals as "he" unless they know or believe otherwise. Regardless, people actually think he is a girl and when I say he's a boy they are shocked. He's dainty and "pretty". He has feminine physical features. No one has ever thought my other cat is a girl! Friendliness in cats is varied too much to say if either gender is overall more affectionate. I was talking more about distinct mannerisms, like things females do to be attractive. Also, he had undersized balls.

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      • howaminotmyself

        You mean human female mannerisms. Do you even know cats?

        And in my experience, everyone calls cats she unless it's orange. And dogs are he. This is what we do.

        But again, why are you attaching human qualities to a cat? All cats are dainty. Unless they are clumsy, that is a cat quality, not a gender one.

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        • No, feline mannerisms. Are you familiar with what female cats do when in heat? He does much of that except it's toned down a bit from what an actual cat in heat does.

          I'm not sure you know what dainty means. On that note, I'm not going to waste my time responding to you anymore since you're either trolling or very stupid.

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  • Squidward

    I had a male cat who was quite prissy and effeminate. Homosexuality does occur in species other than humans so your cat might be gay. There is nothing wrong with that. The cat I just mentioned was a picky eater, had a high pitched voice and showed zero interest in females. His brother was a different story. He chased girls a lot before I had him fixed.

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  • hemato

    maybe your cat is intersex? he may have more female hormones than male, which would explain the small male sex organs. this could explain why he responds to stimuli in ways a female cat would.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    My boy cat looks sort of feminine but hes neutered so he didn't develop the jowls and barbed penis.
    He also has a girly meow...I love him! I wouldn't change him at all. Maybe your one kitty got all the testosterone and the other didn't? lol

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  • dirtybirdy

    Set up a camera to see if he dresses up in your doilies while you're out.

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    • Doilies!!?? Do I seem like the kind of fag who has doilies??

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      • dirtybirdy

        Since you know what they are, well...umm..

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        • I know because of the old Velveeta commercial. Blah blah blah blah, cheddar's drips off your plate onto the doily. (to the tune of "hello mudda, hello fadda")

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          • dirtybirdy

            Ohhh dear, it's worse than I thought :/

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            • Much worse!

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  • seekelp

    Does he have a vagina or something?

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    • No, he has a peen.

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  • I can just imagine some cat owner yelling at their feminine male cat while it licks its paw like "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FUCKING FAG!" and raging about it.

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    • Yeah I pretty much ask him why he's so gay every day. He even had very small balls before I neutered him. His brothers balls were twice the size at least. I had them neutered on the same date at about 1.5 years old so they had come to full maturity but a major difference in ball size. His brother still looks intact because his nutsack had enlarged and stretched to accomidate his cat balls and once removed, now hangs still kind of obvious. But this guy...this guy has no ghost nutsack. Don't get me wrong...I looooove him. Fucking little faggot!

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