Is it normal for a straight man to get in touch with his feminine side?
I do this by listening to women's break up music, mainly.
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I do this by listening to women's break up music, mainly.
Personally, I don't agree with this feminine side term considering not a single female will speak about a masculine side seeing as I'm sure they don't want one. The best term they will accept is tomboy. I'd prefer to call it an "open side", something not fit in the unfair rules of "How To Be A Guy". I watch romance anime myself but I consider that open minded, not feminine.
That's not true, I love my masculine side. I think the world is becoming too feminine. Masculinity is never advertised anymore.
I think its fine that you feel that way, I just personally don't agree with an existence of sides since I don't agree with labels. When I hear "feminine" side, it gives off the idea that a guy is leaning towards female thought patterns and actions which isn't always true. Same for "masculine" side, it sounds like a girl is thinking and acting like a guy and that all humans have both of these as an understood fact. Why can't we just have personality traits instead?
What the hell? Men do not have a feminine side? And, I'd like to know what constitutes "women's break up music" versus men's, or adolescent's, or others'.
Get out, right now,
It's the end of you and me
It's too late,
I can't wait,
For you to be gone
Along with...
To the left, to the left
Everything you own in a box to the left
... That's what I'm thinking anyway
Sinead O'Connor - Nothing compares to you
Lisa Loeb - Stay (I missed you)
Martika - Love thy will be done
Kate Miller Heidke - Last day on Earth
Aaliyah - Try again
Regina Spektor - Blue lips
that's just to name a few
Almost every guy I know is atleast a little in touch with his feminine side in their own way, so in my eyes it's very normal. Nothing to be ashamed of, especially in your case. Break up music can be gorgeous!
I suppose so, although I can't connect very well with break-up songs from an overtly female perspective since they often make a point of the gender difference. But if you connect with the emotion in the song, then I understand.
The idea of a feminine and masculine side seems sort of old fashioned now.
Why is the measure of a man's 'masculinity' determined by aggression, competitively and narcissism?
Why is the measure of a woman's 'femininity' determined by submissiveness, depth of emotion and selflessness?
We all benefit from being a balance of characteristics. Nobody wants all men to be impassive rocks, or worse - incessantly angry and violent. Similarly nobody wants all women to be passive, nurturing mothers who are submissive and will put up no resistance to being trampled over by anyone with feet. No emotion is felt exclusively by women or men, so no emotion is exclusively masculine or feminine.
Psychologically, gender differences aren't entirely an invention, of course. But we shouldn't be tied down to these traits, nor should our claim to a gender be determined by how comfortably we fit into a preconception.
I like to watch some Romance movies and dress up in feminine clothes. Is that acceptable to show my feminine side?
All people have a feminine side and a masculine side. Feminine does not mean female and masculine does not mean male. You are not one or the other, you are a mix of both.
Only when I'm around other gay men. We ham it up and make fun of women, but none of us would want to be one. We like what we have.
I agree with what I think Pradiddle is saying, I am getting sick of this.
Being emotional and liking emotionally bonding subjects or stories is not a "feminine" thing, it is an "emotional" thing, and being emotional is not a "feminine" thing, females are not the only ones capable of emotion (news flash, I know).
What I find irritating is that when men are being emotional, it is considered their "feminine side", yet when a woman is being strong, strong willed, progressive in work, she is called a "strong woman", not "embracing her masculine side".
This is just an annoying term, as if to say that when a man does something emotional in a good sense, it is them being more female-like, as if it is not a natural part of being a male, to feel emotions.
Yet when a woman does what I explained above, that is her being a strong woman, not embracing her masculine side, because we all know how bad society tries to ensure everything good can be constructed as feminine, and how everything bad can be boiled down to masculinity.
Yes, men feel emotions. No, it is not feminine to feel emotions.
is it feminine for men to feel emotions when they are specified as gender based? ie a woman singing about him and the heartbreak he caused her. (which is what this is about)
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When I get in touch with my feminine side, I mostly call this girl up late at night and we ''do stuff."
Feminine side? What feminine side?
I've got my feminine side right here in my pants buddy!!....
...I mean...umm...
*blushes and backs out of the room...