Is it normal for anti-racist people to be... racist?
The biggest thing I've noticed is some whites (in the US) who are extreme on defending black rights - they also dislike Asians.
Is this because of the racial tension between black and Asian? Are the white people literally picking a side (thus excluding another race)? They're not practicing the equality that they preach. Has anyone else noticed this? Why is there no discussion about it?
I understand there's racial tension between black and Asian (some people! not everyone is a racist ffs), but why do some white people defend the black race OVER the Asian race? Why choose a side?
("Extreme" meaning white people who are overzealous about black rights, always have strong opinions and criticisms, etc. I am NOT talking about people who participate in a civil rights march or generally oppose racism, as things should be. I'm only talking about extremists/Karen-type who are so hypervigilant about making sure everyone knows they're not a racist.)