Is it normal for athlete's foot to feel like a razor blade between your toes?

When I had Athlete's Foot between my fourth and fifth toes it felt like "fullness" between my toes, like I had something in the space between them, until i moved the toes, at which point the sensation changed to feeling like I had a razor blade between my toes cutting into the skin at the base of the space between the toes, was this normal, and what cased the fullness/razor blade sensation between my toes?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • xxLucifer

    Yeah. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection and it can be very painful. What you want to do is get some kind anti-fungal cream and use it as directed, don't pay for name brands get generic their the same, but cheaper. When I had athlete's foot I used clotrimazole and it worked pretty well.

    Athlete's foot can be spread so you should probably put some kind of foot powder into your shoes which will help make sure your shoes stay dry killing any of the fungus left in them.

    If the athlete's foot continues for more than a week after you start using anti-fungal cream then you should go see a doctor.

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    I’ve never had it, so I can’t really answer that, but better try removing it before it spreads everywhere
    Do salt baths, put tea tree oil on it and air it out real good. You can also put talcum powder or baking Soda between the toes to prevent it from hurting so much and I leaves the feet drier. Cuz with wet and dirty feet it of course spreads faster

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    • xxLucifer

      Don't use home remedies. Antifungal creams can be less than $5 if you buy generic.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Tea tree oil actually does work quite well for this sort of thing.

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  • BrentFoust

    Athlete's foot is also called tinea pedis. It is a fungal skin infection that normally starts between the toes. It produces a scaly, itchy rash that can be very painful. Some users also experience ulcers or blisters, which produce intense pain. That’s why you must be experiencing fullness sensation between toes.

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  • CDmale4fem

    That's why I'm school when we had P.E. when we showered the teacher told us to always be sure to dry between all our toes. We thought of it as a joke. But yea, get you some Gold Bond medicated powder. That stuff is a God send.

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  • leggs91200

    I say get a small bottle of Tinactin cream. They have it at walfart. Might take a day or two to murder the fungus but it works well. You can try generic but I don't know, in a case like that I would just spend a few more bucks for something sure to work.

    But yes, athlete's foot can itch to he point of hurting.

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