Is it normal for black people to always make racial comments about my child?

Kind of a long story, but I'll try and summarize. My husband and I have a one year old whom black people always ask if he is Chinese. (NEVER ANYONE BUT BLACKS) My husband and I both have a lot of American Indian in us. And our son definitely looks it. But black people always say the rudest things. We have been told my husband couldn't be his daddy, they have called him "chingy" but most recently an older black women in an elevator says (and I quote) " I was gonna get me's one of dem." When I asked her one of what, she replied, " You know, I was gonna adopt me a foreign baby." How rude to assume my child is "foreign and adopted." So, fed up with all these comments, I immediately snapped back with, " We were acctually going to adopt an African, but all the cute ones had ebola." She wanted to act offended but her husband seemed to catch my drift and nudged her to hush. So is it normal for black people to question others races? I don't go around assuming all black people are straight from Nigeria or Ethiopia.

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44% Normal
Based on 34 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 46 )
  • "We were actually going to adopt an African, but all the cute ones had ebola."


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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm so sorry that you and your family has had to experience this. Sometimes, members of minority groups turn out to be more racist than the groups they dislike. :/

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  • reminiscent

    Oh wow... this is extremely rude.
    maybe its where you live?

    I would be fed up to... maybe just tell people next time that their comment is racist and rude.

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    • I live in south Georgia(USA) where you would think the white people would have all the race remarks. But no, it is the black people that are more racist. I just don't understand why people can't mind their own business and feel the need to ask personal questions to strangers. Some people really just lack common sense and home training.

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      • reminiscent

        its a shame

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  • dirtybirdy

    Your retort was brilliant.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    tell em yalls sorry and yalld love to talk but yalls slavesre hungry and could they direct yall to the nearest kfc?

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  • handsignals

    Dat baby so Chinese all da cats in yo neibourhood keep disapearin.

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  • anti-hero

    Listen Jackie Chan...

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  • webjock

    The ignorant Blacks that you have encountered out there are the EXCEPTION of the Black Community, not the Rule. I certainly don't buy into that racial mess; that's for sure!

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  • KekReptilian

    Invite them to a cross burning party.

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  • cocoapeaches

    Funny comeback, but maybe 'black people' are just more willing to make comments where you know, 'white people' or whatever races, are farrrrr lessss comfortableeee making racial observations out of fear of seeming racist.


    'black person'

    P.s. You mentioned that you both have a lot of Native American in you. Being mixed race myself, I look like my mother but most people don't think we're related because of our different skin tones. I am not sure if you look 'Native American' but maybe the combo of having it on both paternal and maternal sides makes your son have even more characteristics than yourselves.

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  • handsignals

    Dat baby so Chinese yo bought him a puppy for Christmas, and he was like, what should I name him....Beef or Chicken.

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  • VirgilManly

    I think you answered your own question.
    Yes, it seems normal that black people always make racial comments about your child since it seems to be a frequent occurrence.

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  • kupokupo

    "Well isn't that a sweet li'l yellah baby hmm!?"

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    • That's the funny thing. He is white as he can be.

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  • poon__jabber

    LOL.. i really did laugh out loud, "all the black ones had ebola" HAHAHAHA! that was a witty comeback.

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    • My husband is still laughing at it as well. He had to call everyone and tell them what happened.

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  • suckonthis9

    1) There is no such thing as, "Black People". If there is, and you wish to refute this, then please describe 'black people' relative to and distinct from any other 'people'.
    There are 'Blackfoot Peoples' (Niitsitapi), however.

    2) There are no extant 'races' of humans, since the extinction of the most recent human species that we co-existed with, the Neanderthals; although some of us, including you and I, are hybridized with them, and we could have up to and as much as 10 per cent Neanderthal genetics in us. This is not enough Neanderthal genetics to consider us separate and distinctive from other humans that are not hybridized with Neanderthals.
    This is in context of using the Homo genus, and not what should probably and correctly be a 'Panhomo' genus or clade, in which case, bonobos and chimpanzees would be the other extant human 'races'.

    3) There is no such thing as,"American Indians". Only various peoples who have a long ancestry in the Indian Subcontinent, and are predominantly an archaic Europoid type of people, and sometimes admixed with Australoid peoples, and / or a back admixture with various Europoid peoples, usually the Parsi (Persian) and related people.
    You should refer to yourself by New World First Nations affinity, instead.

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    • charli.m



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      • cocoapeaches

        I am just really curious as to how this is a violation or really anything besides an intelligent attempt to try and teach true human genetics...

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        • charli.m

          It's his catchphrase.

          Hes either a moron or a troll or both.

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          • cocoapeaches

            Oh, you'll have to forgive me. A bit new and he just seemed nice. ;)

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            • charli.m

              No worries. It happens. Wait til he fully spazzes out. It's fairly amusing.

              Be sure to use lots of "ist" amd "ism" words so he can tell you you're "archaic", while refusing to understand current usage of various words and insisting on using an...ahem...archaic definition. Hah.

              Oh. And he talks to aliens. But gets incredibly shitty id you call them aliens and not whatever made up name he has for them.

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    • runningwithscissors

      Thank you for a history lesson, but I am sure you know what I mean. We are in 2015, and they are called black people and I am considered Native American. I don't care where we came from.

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      • cocoapeaches

        How about African American instead of black people, or would you like to be called indian? If we are being so PC using Native American. It's 2015.

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        • Ummm. I don't mind being called "indian" at all. But when I use that term a lot of people automatically think from India. Also, I have African American friends and they call themselves "black." Honestly, how many people do you know actually use the term "African American" when describing someone. Usually they don't. They say, "That black man is in line at the store." Who actually says, "That African American man."? Way too many syllables for regular conversations.
          an Indian woman

          There are many other cultures that are black other than from Africa. How rude to assume every "black" person is of african decent. Maybe they are from Australia?

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          • cocoapeaches

            Just trying to stay PC since it seemed you were being, dude. They way you throw it around makes it feel almost dirty. And just fyi every one is from african descent so your argument about Aboriginals is invalid.

            Nice try though.

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            • * The all humans came from Africa is only a theory. Scientists can only make educated guesses. It is not a fact.

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      • suckonthis9

        Fine, buy into the nonsense propagated by seemingly ignorant and corrupt governments.

        We all ultimately came from the same place, what we call today,coastal tropical Central East Africa, if you go back far enough.

        But Obama should be a Luo Chieftain, and the Chief here should sound more like Omaha or Ticonderoga.

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  • Dad

    If all the black people who live in your area say these things to you (which may not be all that bad if your child does loo like its adopted - ie just accept that and get over it.
    Then that doesn't mean ALL blacks are like this. Since that's YOU being racist. Are you racist? I'm thinking closet racist here ;)

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    • omgcatz

      Or maybe you're just a politically-correct moron.

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    • Um....thank you for your input, as you are entitled to your own opinion, but do you mind pointing out where I wrote anything about ALL blacks saying these things. I simply said I have only recieved comments like these from black people. Its an observation, not being a "closet racist." I judge people on their mentality, and additude, not their race. And my son doesn't look adopted, he looks like me.

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      • Dad

        Your son must look different to you somehow or you wouldn't get these comments.
        Observation on: only black people saying this, is incorrect. The color of their skin has nothing to do with the amount of intelligence they have.

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        • omgcatz

          Their culture does. Where this person lives probably has a high percentage of uneducated rednecks that just happen to be black. That doesn't make her racist just because it's only black people who harass her. That makes them racist for calling her child "chinese" (and you a judgmental, self-righteous cretin.)

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          • Dad

            If culture is an excuse for racism in the western world, then the law books should rewrite the law to say 'these comments are racist, UNLESS you live in the ghetto'!

            Stating that a person looks Chinese is not racist. Its an observation. It 'may' even be the choice of clothing or hairstyle or whatever. Racism is about stating something that is negative towards a race.
            As for judgmental. That's the law 'judging', that's what it is, people (jury or whoever) make judgements on others, and the actual judge just hands down the sentence.

            Although I can obviously understand your point on culture (its plainly obvious actually - of which is a racist comment too, just to make this clear). This is not an excuse to state only blacks do this, which strongly implies its a race issue.

            That's my point.
            Racist comments should not be allowed here, even if implied.
            I suppose you're white so you may not understand, oh wait I'm white too - woops.
            But obviously those blacks ONLY, don't understand ;)

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            • omgcatz

              If she considers her son being called 'chinese' offensive, then it is racism by your definition. Calling a native american 'chinese' just because of their appearance is akin to calling koreans, japanese, and cambodians 'chinese'. After all, they all look 'chinese', right? It's racism.

              I am 'white', but I do live in a ghetto. Not everyone in a ghetto is black. Isn't that assumption racist?

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        • Whatever you say dad. I can't argue with an idiot.

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          • Dad

            Actually you can.
            People can't argue with crazy people ;)

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