Is it normal for black people to always make racial comments about my child?
Kind of a long story, but I'll try and summarize. My husband and I have a one year old whom black people always ask if he is Chinese. (NEVER ANYONE BUT BLACKS) My husband and I both have a lot of American Indian in us. And our son definitely looks it. But black people always say the rudest things. We have been told my husband couldn't be his daddy, they have called him "chingy" but most recently an older black women in an elevator says (and I quote) " I was gonna get me's one of dem." When I asked her one of what, she replied, " You know, I was gonna adopt me a foreign baby." How rude to assume my child is "foreign and adopted." So, fed up with all these comments, I immediately snapped back with, " We were acctually going to adopt an African, but all the cute ones had ebola." She wanted to act offended but her husband seemed to catch my drift and nudged her to hush. So is it normal for black people to question others races? I don't go around assuming all black people are straight from Nigeria or Ethiopia.