Is it normal for co-workers to make fun of you, not knowing your mother has can

cer. I'm not able to sleep, my co-workers are making fun of me or being mean, calling me slow witted, sloth,etc. I can do my work but can't respond to witty asshole comments by jerks who have no idea what I'm going through.I don't want to tell them because I believe they might actually make fun of that, then I will punch someone.

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56% Normal
Based on 16 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • lordofopinions

    You're working with a bunch of ass holes. Get a new job or transfer to another department. Maybe if you DID tell that your mother has cancer you're going through a tough time they will leave you alone. If they don't they deserve a punch in the face.

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    Pretty normal scenario at working place

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  • mysistersshadow

    Ppl can be jerks ignore them. No one can make you feel any way that you don't let them.

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  • finn

    What does your mom having cancer have to do with how you respond? Nothing they say or do can impact you unless you allow it to. I mean quite frankly you have bigger concerns then their petty bullshit.

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