Is it normal for cops to be homophobic?

I was walking through the underground transportation center where they have a lot of cops because of all the violence lately and there was a bunch of like 10 of them together. I don’t know if it was shift change but I was with my wife and I had a Hawaiian shirt on and I said good morning and most of them said good morning but I thought I head one say, “Good morning faggot”. We just kept walking and I thought yeah right these guys are supposed to protect and serve us. Maybe he’s pissed because they got him down there with the rifraff instead of out in the fresh air.

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43% Normal
Based on 7 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's best not to let a stranger's insults get to you. Enjoy your life and forget about that weirdo.

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    • I agree. Good advice.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Depends on what country you live in. No way that this would happen where I live.

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  • darefu

    Why are you trying to make the cops look bad a start a BS argument. Maybe it's you that has the bad attitude.

    1st even if he said that (he's wrong in doing so), but 9 out of 10 or most said good morning back. 2nd you said you thought one said, you're not even sure what he said. 3rd read the comments every one assumes you are right and the cop was a bad cop and nobody even knows what he said. Even your title sounds like you are trying to turn gays against the cops.

    Again, even if true, 1 out of 10 does not make all cops homophobic.

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    • That's right blame the victim. There was nothing wrong with my attitude because I was just walking through the terminal minding my own business. In fact I said good morning to them to show my appreciation for their vigilance. And I'm not condemning all cops just the ones who abuse their power.

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  • Somenormie

    that cop sounds very unprofessional

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    • Needless to say. He'll probably go out on stress leave and sue tge city.

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