Is it normal for hospitals to refuse patients to anyone with raspatory illness?

I believe that hospitals are again allowing patients to come in now that the vaccine has been sent out. However, for awhile hospitals were down right refusing any sort of services to people with anything that might be considered a "Covid" symptom. These symptoms are seen in a number of other common ailments which include gastrointestinal issues and upper raspatory problems. I find it a little fucked up that our solution to fixing Covid was to simply let anyone with a respitory/gastrointenstinal problem suffer or die. Since that is clearly going to fix Covid. I do have to wonder if there was ever a sort of law against downright denying medical care though.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • We were refused too. My mom developed covid pneumonia and needed a hospital bed, we went to hospital to hospital ( around ten private hospitals refused us). We had to find a government run facility outside the city for treatment. These are the "guardian angels" and heroes the tv celebrates.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Imagine being sick and the hospital tells you "we dont take sick people here sorry"

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    • Yes, this is Americas solution to COVID.

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      • Boojum

        What you say about how things apparently worked where you live is more than a little ironic, since one of the lies persistently pushed by conspiracy nutjobs is that hospitals in the USA have been falsely diagnosing everyone with the slightest wheeze as having Covid so they can get thirty or forty or fifty thousand bucks from the government.

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        • No, if the hospital think you have covid they say "Come back later when your symptoms are gone". Which is problematic if say you have literally anything else you need medicine for that is not going to go away on its own. There is a lot of raspatory problems that are very common that you need antibiotics or prescription medication for. Which were already common BEFORE COVID.

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  • Rocketrain

    Here government hospitals only take and admit people who had the vaccine.

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  • That's messed up.
    I've heard that people have stopped seeking help for those kinds of things since covid. Because they're scared of contracting covid at the hospital or taking up unnecessary space from covid patients. Not that the hospitals refuse people but it's not surprising if they have. I had to go to the hospital a few times and I did not get refused. They tested everyone at the entrance by asking for covid symptoms, checking your fever and even oxygen level but the way it seemed to me was that if you had symptom you simply got sent to an alternative waiting room. I don't think they would refuse someone with asthma or an allergic reaction or something. Not if it was an emergency though in my experience hospitals have always refused you if you come in with something that's clearly not an emergency, like seasonal allergies or a stomach ache. For such things you can treat at home or call your doctor the next morning.

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  • YE

    Respiratory, eh?

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I'm not sure where you live, but many hospitals were at max capacity. So if you weren't outright dying, they wouldn't have had much chance to accept you.

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    • No, they said it was just a policy that they were not accepting anyone with covid symptoms. Even those with a history of raspatory issues. I literally lost a job over this and really only thing that happened is that I vommited once at work and than felt better. However, vommiting is apparently a 100% sign of COVID.

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      • Boojum

        Obviously gastrointestinal problems are not a definitive sign of a Covid infection, but a few people have experienced nausea, vomiting or diarrhea before the more common symptoms appeared.

        I'm the last one who would ever defend the American system of healthcare, but I can understand why a hospital which was already working at full-stretch due to the demands of Covid patients could be very reluctant to admit someone else who might have the virus.

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        • Meowypowers

          Crap Chinese vaccines that are given to South American's have weird side effects. The world needs more of the American and European good vaccines.

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