Is it normal for large people to have small pets and skinny people to have...
...large dogs? Just wondering... I thought it was quite stereotypical.
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...large dogs? Just wondering... I thought it was quite stereotypical.
haha i remeber the fido ad where the owners looked exactly like their pets adn somethign to do with their phones
I don't know. But I had a good laugh a while ago. I took my dog to the vet and there was this tall burly man with a toy poodle. Next I see this very small Asian woman trying to control her Great Dane. I chuckled to myself.
I'm quite thin and I have tiny little guinea pigs. Although, I suppose they are chubby little bastards.
I don't there is a correlation between the two. I have a really fat cat that just wont loose weight even on a diet while I'm very skinny.