Is it normal for me to fear that i will never have a healthy relationship?
About 2 years ago my younger brother did sexual things to me and he did not stop with just touching. You may think why did i let my little brother do that (my mother sure wasn't afraid to ask that question) but the truth is he is a big little brother and i was to shocked that he did it that i just acted like i was still asleep. I still love my little brother and i think i have forgiven him but i also think it as effected how i react to guys. I tent to want the guy around me all the time and if he ain't i want to be talking to him constantly. I use to not be like this but i find that i can't help myself. If i don't have contact with a guy i feel uneasy and anxious. If i don't get it from my boyfriend i text other guys. Including sexual talk to keep the other guy interested but i never do anything. I'm afraid that if i continue this behavior i will not be able to have a healthy relationship.