Is it normal for me to fear that i will never have a healthy relationship?

About 2 years ago my younger brother did sexual things to me and he did not stop with just touching. You may think why did i let my little brother do that (my mother sure wasn't afraid to ask that question) but the truth is he is a big little brother and i was to shocked that he did it that i just acted like i was still asleep. I still love my little brother and i think i have forgiven him but i also think it as effected how i react to guys. I tent to want the guy around me all the time and if he ain't i want to be talking to him constantly. I use to not be like this but i find that i can't help myself. If i don't have contact with a guy i feel uneasy and anxious. If i don't get it from my boyfriend i text other guys. Including sexual talk to keep the other guy interested but i never do anything. I'm afraid that if i continue this behavior i will not be able to have a healthy relationship.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Subfinmatic

    I read this thinking you were a guy...

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Your mom's a stupid bitch [ no offence ].

    Her son molests her daughter, and she acts like it's your fault?!

    I hate people.

    First of all, I advise that you seek rape trauma counselling. I don't know where you live, but usually hospitals offer these services. You don't need a parent with you. You really need to talk about this, or it will destroy you; as you can see it's already starting.

    You're behavior is stereotypical of a molestation/rape victim. You need to find help. Please, take my advice.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I'm actually going to agree with flutterhigh, therapy might be the best option to help work out your insecurities.

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  • flutterhigh

    See a therapist.

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  • GuessWho

    It seems like you've subconsciously chosen your brother as your ideal man and can't accept anyone that doesn't live up to your expectations.
    That's why you didn't resist and also want the guy always around. (like your brother is)
    Your brother has become the standard to which other guys must measure up.

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    • flutterhigh

      Fuck Freud, man.

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