Is it normal for multiple people to always stop texting you all at once?

Since cell phones first came around, they've become my technologic attachment. As the newer generations of phones came out, I was also introduced to text messaging. While this was convenient and still is to this day, I've always knit-picked at the drama its brought on. Sometimes people I text are so sneaky in hiding behind their words and deceitfully playing you, and it frustrates me to the core. One of the earliest frustrations I've had in due to the texting phenomenon is the strange and ridiculously coincidental occurence of a group of people you're texting, all at once, ending their replies back. Its enough to have one person stop abruptly, but there have been occasions where up to six have done this to me simultaneously. Texting was invented to further expand the convenient forms of communication, but it seems to have made things more complicated instead. Is this normal to happen?

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54% Normal
Based on 24 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Well think about the time of day. Often everyone will leave at certien times of the day such as Work, school, choirs, so on. Maybe its the time of the day when everyone is busy?

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  • thoughtfulopt29

    Yeah i hate that shit!!haha sometimes i think my phone is messed up and cant recieve texts haha makes me feel like a loner hah.

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  • Wüstenfuchs

    I get the opposite... As soon as I am insanely busy, three people (never had many friends) will start texting all at once and get pissed when I don't answer. It's a conspiracy.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    OMG THIS HAPPENS TO ME TOO. Like, I can be texting 5 people (who dont know each other) at the same time and half an hour later none of them are replying. I try to think it's my phone's fault xd

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    It's proably just an eensie-weensie coinky-dink mate!

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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