Is it normal for my blood pressure to fluctuate?

at my doctor's office there is this one very cute nurse and whenever she takes my blood pressure my heart beat goes up so much and the number comes out like 130. Then she always asks me if I'm nervous and I say no. The thing is I always try to calm myself but just seeing her automatically makes my heart beat and blood pressure go up. But then later the doctor checks my blood pressure and it's completely normal, like 110, and my heart beat is normal too.

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Ellenna

    It's totally normal for blood pressure to fluctuate, in fact there's a term "white coat reading" for blood pressure being high and later being normal, whether or not the patient is turned on by the nurse or doctor.

    That's why it's usual to not prescribe medication for it unless there have been at least three high readings a week or so apart.

    If you're really concerned about your BP why not get one of the home testing units? Unless of course you'd rather keep seeing that cute nurse?

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    • JD777


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      • Ellenna

        This what?

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  • Elixis

    Oh, you're probably infatuated with the nurse and it's causing your body to react. Ask her out haha.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Perhaps it's normal for it to fluctuate, but not excessively I would imagine.

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