Is it normal for my dog to eat my boogers?
So, I have a 7 year old Dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier mix who while very hyperactive, is also the sweetest thing in the world. I've been dealing with pretty bad allergies this summer, and my nose gets terribly congested, but with hard boogers. As in, the kind that will make your nose bleed if you try to pick them out without being careful, or by using nasal spray. Because of this, I'm constantly having to get the crap out of my nose. It's the worst when I wake up. I have a small trash can next to my bed that I throw all my used Kleenex in, and beside that is my desk and computer. Recently Bonnie has been coming into my room while I'm working on the computer, and will get into my trash can and start licking the Kleenex or eating the boogers along with the actual tissue. I thought it was funny at first, but now I'm a bit concerned that it's a bit weird. I'm assuming they can't hurt her, but do dogs typically like boogers? I know that's a bizarre question, but I've never seen this before.