Is it normal for my f-i-l to treat my husband so crappy

thinking of moving as suddenly as possible, but don't want to hurt our neighbours and friends and employers they might think we are traitors and never forgive us.what if we don't get other f-I- l calls up yelling and swearing a couple times a week to tell my husband what he is doing wrong in his life. my father - in - law thinks he is that sargent from full metal jacket or something.we literally keeps the lights off when we are home because we don't want him visiting because he is so toxic..he speaks to my husband like he is a convict or a servant or a stupid f-I-l says he does it because my husband is a wuss and he wants to straighten him out so my husband can be a real man like him. It is like we can't go anywhere around here without my father in law showing up to be a pain in the butt.My father in law has punch him. tried to knock my husband down a couple times, my husband just walks away and goes home. if my husband ignores him he walks past him over and over getting in his face , demanding that he answer him think because he is his father my husband has to put up with this. If my husband stands up to him, he starts crying and threatens to call the police and cry elder abuse.

Voting Results
10% Normal
Based on 31 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • snarkygirl

    Not Normal and you both need to get him out of your lives.

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  • CrimsonEye

    Send him for counselling, ok that's difficult... um... try and talk some sense into him yourself or get an outsider you trust to do it. Your husbands dad is always gonna be a part of his life. However old it's never too late to learn respect. Don't be harsh on him because he is going to die soon anyway and parents should be respected.

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  • Arm0se

    Just get a restraining order.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Ya beat me to it there, dude.

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  • mr.artiste

    Why dont you move to some other place where he cant bother you anymore?

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  • Short4Words

    No you FIL sounds like he's crazy.

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