Is it normal for my fiance to hate lint brushes?

I have in a lint brush every room.I delint everything in the house and clean the house everyday after work. I also delint my entire body. I have this fear of germs and am worried the lint isn't really lint.

He hates when I delint everything in front of him and asks me to do that away from him.He gets so grossed out about it when I do it close to him because he doesn't want the shit on him.

He itches and gets hives when I do it near him or talk about it. Yesterday we had a big fight because he claims I did it again and mocked him on the phone with my sister.I don't remember it that way and don't understand all the hostility over a lint brush.

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31% Normal
Based on 16 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Boojum

    He's clearly stressed by your OCD.

    You're clearly stressed by his reaction to your OCD.

    Sounds like you both could be happier with someone else.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Most of what I own is covered in cat hair, and I don't care! I don't own a lint brush, and I don't care to buy one.

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  • nobodyknowsitsmehehe

    If he doesn't like it don't do it near him!! That's just common politeness.

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  • sushaqvq


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