Is it normal for my right arm to feel strained after using the weights?
I'm currently trying to build muscles on my right arm but it feels strained after I lifted weights.
Is it normal?
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I'm currently trying to build muscles on my right arm but it feels strained after I lifted weights.
Is it normal?
Depends on what kind of strain.
Certain kinds of strain are a normal and even required part of building muscle (Hence the saying: No pain, no gain). CountessDouche's advice is right on for that.
However, other kinds of strain are due to over-stress and indicate injury. Learning to tell the difference between these pains is critical to be able to keep exercising and building muscle.
Please research the difference between Tendonitis and Tendonosis. I've been working on healing Tendonosis in my shoulder for 4 months so far - and have had to stop virtually all my normal other exercised.
I really suggest you find some good reference material or talk to a good physical therapist about what to do when you actually pull a muscle or have Tendonisis. Doing it right means a relatively quick recovery. Doing it wrong leads to Tendonosis or worse, which may take 3-12 months to recover from if you do the routine stretches and very light exercises regularly, and may not be fully recoverable at all.
I wish you success with your body strengthening program...
Yeah lol.
That is what you should feel after weightlifting. It's called DOMS- delayed onset muscle soreness. When you strain muscle tissue it forms slight tears and rebuilds as bigger stronger muscle tissue. You're past ultimate beefbox beefer level one.
If you're beginning weightlifting please learn proper form. It is incredibly (can not stress how big of a deal) important, if you want to make progress and maximize your workouts (and yes this applies to weightlifting machines) and avoid injury.
Take rest days between muscle groups - zero progress if you do the same muscles 7 days a week
Get your diet on point. Protien mainly.
Get enough sleep & be conscious of cardio- when to do it.
If you want to get super duper beefy, progressive overload is the deal, but only with proper form.
Proper form is literally THE most important thing. Learn it with 5 lbs weights that you could throw at a hamster. If you don't have proper form your lifts will either mean nothing or you'll injure yourself...or both
Edit: do both arms. If you have a weak arm, increase reps