Is it normal for older men to ask me out?

Is it normal, and why are they doing it?!

I'm finding it really strange because within this month I've had two older men ask me out. One was in his early 30s and another in his 40s. And the one in his 40's was really persistent.

I'm described by my friends as the childish one and the jokester. I'm a 21 year old girl, but I look younger than my age .
So I have no idea why, but when I'm at work older men ask me out.

I have no problem attracting younger people but the older ones keep asking me out, and it's getting frustrating and kinda creepy.

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81% Normal
Based on 37 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 90 )

    Older men are attracted to younger women.
    Also , younger women are attracted to older men as a father figure , especially if her father is absent and not in the picture.
    Also , younger women are looking for a Sugar Daddy with a fat bank account.

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    • Yeah I assumed the sugar daddy thing.
      And I forgot about the father figure being absent in a women's life. Luckily I have a very good one in my life. So I don't need to date an older man to fill the father figure.

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      • satanniggasandpopsicle

        hey so hows everything going with youu?? :)

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's normal. There's nothing wrong with older people asking someone out. Though if they think you're underage and are asking you out because of that or arevbeing too persistent, then that's a problem.

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    • There is if they're too young for them as in they could be their daughter or son. They're almost as old as my parents and even my mum looks younger than the 40 year old and she's 48!

      Even if I'm not under age being double my age is a problem. They look too old for me and there will be less attraction, compared to me being older in the future I'll be more attracted to personality, since I had my share of being attracted to looks and I'm already getting sick of it. They'll die way earlier, most likely need caring when they become older in 15+ or 20+ years. While I haven't even hit 50. They most likely won't see their grandchildren. All these things bother me.

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      • wigz

        "They'll die way earlier, most likely need caring when they become older in 15+ or 20+ years. While I haven't even hit 50. They most likely won't see their grandchildren. All these things bother me."

        lol. They aren't looking for long-term, they are just trying to use you for sex. They already have their wives, children and grandchildren and just want to enjoy sex with you on the side of all that.

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        • Sluts

          Not always true, some do get off on the whole daddy fantasy nonsense. I think it's totally weird, but some guys do and really don't want sex and only sex. Usually only pathetic, lonely guys in their 40s try to do this as a normal guy either has a family OR realizes how creepy this really is for the girl.

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          • wigz

            Any way you put it it's usury and taking advantage of her and she would be wise to stay away.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I get you. It's too much of a hassle to date someone older. I couldn't do it either.

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  • Rilley

    They sound like perverts and pedos, the only way to make them go away is to be harsh with them.

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    • Ellenna

      Pedo's? She's 21, not a child: you're minimising what pedophilia is to use the term in this context.

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      • Rilley

        still though it's creepy that a 40 something year old would try to actually date someone whos just come out of their teen years and it sends the message that their attracted to very young girls or girls who still look like teenagers.

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        • Yeah exactly people mistake me for a teenager a lot.
          So weird someone would be attracted to a girl who could be young enough to be their daughter.

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    • How can I be harsh with them if I'm working in customer service, with out the risk of losing my job? I would like to know for next time.

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      • Ellenna

        You could always tell them (nicely of course if they're customers) that you have a boyfriend. You don't say what they actually did: if it was just flirting, surely you can laugh that off?

        You could well be over-reacting if the only time this has happened to you is twice in a month.

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        • I did but he said it's fine he just wants to be friends, but I doubt it when he asked me first to go out for dinner.

          I'm not over reacting. During Christmas a 50 year old was flirting with me in front of his wife saying he had a boat with my name and he could give it to me if I came over and had dinner with them.

          And a two guys in their mid 30s asked if they could borrow me for a few seconds in the back of the store (to have sex).

          Another guy in his late 30's tried to hold my hand when I was handing him his items. Like cupping the palm of my for longer than five seconds while talking when I opened my hand for him to take them. I had to turn my hand over and drop the items in his hand to break off the contact.

          And in Jan another guy in his mid 40's kept asking me personal question while staring at my chest. Like how old I'm if I have a boyfriend, if I'm Christian, if I ever dated an Italian man.

          And much more from further back in last year too but I think this is enough to show it happens too much.

          And I had nothing happening in late Jan because I had break from work from being very ill.

          I just didn't state these before because I didn't want to make my IIN post too long.

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          • Sluts

            Idk, what they are doing isn't technically illegal but I do see what you're saying and agree with you. Especially a guy in his 40s, he should just look on craigslist or something if a 21 yr old is what he is looking for. I'm mid 30s and I would NEVER bother with a mid 20s female.

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            • Thank you for understanding my point.
              They wouldn't like it if really old women or people they're not attracted to kept hitting on them, would they.

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      • satanniggasandpopsicle

        who cares? some girls like older guys

        just say no

        life goes on? i dont know, shit

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        • No didn't work with the last one he held up the line because he was so persistent.

          Yeah you have no idea how frustrating it is.

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          • satanniggasandpopsicle

            I had a gay guy give me a whistle before

            Or a shout out lol

            I just take it as a compliment. Good for me haha

            But if you need to get to business, just say so

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            • If it's meant as a compliment then I'll take it as a compliment.

              Touching me when I don't want to be touched is definitely not a compliment. Saying such crude things to me and about me is not a compliment. And also staring at my boobs while talking to me is not a compliment, and way to perverted to be taken as one.

              I've tried that with a mid 40's year old customer after hearing people telling me similar advice on this post, they just waited till I finished serving the line of customers, and started talking to me again in a very inappropriately manner, while trying to get my number. I even lied about having a boyfriend and he said he didn't care.

              I can't just ignore a problem when it happens this often, and with out any respect to my body when making crude comments. Or my self as a person when they won't leave me alone unless I leave my station for a while till they get bored of waiting for my return and leave.

              But I can't do that every time because I always got customers to serve and barely anyone to cover my desk.

              We have different situations, I'm facing old to elderly men, crude and disgusting comments, not wolf whistles like you got. And inappropriate touching.

              Different solution will suit our different situations. There's only so much that a person can tolerate. Everyone has their breaking point.

              Sorry if I sound brash but I hope if you were a man in his 40's with a young daughter, that you wouldn't tell her to take the things I stated above as a compliment from a heap of old men as old or even older than you.

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          • satanniggasandpopsicle

            Then tell his ass "please sir, you're holding up the line"

            Nicely, and thats it.

            Simply solved. Its not a big deal. Take it as a compliment. All sorts of people are going to find you attractive. And some people WONT find you attractive.

            Thats life.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nope, those guys are just stupid, disgusting, old pervs. I feel for you, disgusting older dudes made me miserable when I was your age. Don't be afraid to tell them it's inappropriate and that they're old enough to be your dad.

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    • I would but I'm at work and I don't want to risk my job by telling a customer off.

      But they do make me feel very uncomfortable.

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      • RoseIsabella

        What kinda job?

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        • I work in the special order compartment ordering in stock for the store or ordering products in for customers, organising deliveries, installations and much more.

          Can't say the store name because I'm worried one of my co workers uses this site regularly and don't want to risk my position.

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  • Live to 100?! Okay sure I hope so.

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  • woeisme

    I met my boyfriend a year ago when I was 17. He's turning 60 this month.

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    • satanniggasandpopsicle

      whatttttttttt? bullshit! lol

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      • woeisme

        No, actually. You should see the way people stare at us in public.

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        • Don't you have any worries about his age? Like health in general and having kids who won't see their father in their 20's or maybe even teens.

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          • satanniggasandpopsicle

            well i hope everythings going good for you! :)

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            • Yeah it is thanks.:)

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        • satanniggasandpopsicle

          i bet

          if you're actually dating a 59 year old

          kinda hard to believe, but i know its not impossible

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  • KiritoxX

    Omg! I hate that! Gives us guys a bad image. Btw, I'm actually into older(ish) women. My mom's in her early forties, and a sixty year old and fifty year old both hit on her in the same restaurant. Lol it was such a nasty image!

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    • Don't worry I don't think all guys are the same.

      Yeah that would still be annoying to me. I can handle less than 10 years in difference. If not than it's just annoying and creepy. Especially if I had kids with me.

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    • Yeah it still looks weird to me if someone is 40 and a 60+ year old is trying to pick them up.

      The 30 year old was awkward but the 40 year old is a no no.
      I can stand less than 10 years difference but only if the youngest partner is past the age of at least 30.

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  • SirChazwickEsquire

    Its normal behavior. They just want to put their cock in your butt.

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    • That makes me feel more disgusted with them. Wish they'll just leave me alone.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Amen to that! You deserve respect, and have the right to be left alone.

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        • Yeah exactly!

          It's flattering if they're around my age and take rejection well.
          The thing that repulses me is that they're old enough to be my parent and the look older than both my parents!

          Wish I had an emergency button to press at work that will let me leave my post with an excuse.

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  • silkspector

    Its seems to be the norm I'm 18 every time I go out with friends its men in their 30 or 40s who hit on me

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    • Sad how this is normal, why do older men always think they have a chance with someone half their age?

      Maybe money will attract younger gold diggers, but someone out of my age range is a huge turnoff.

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      • silkspector

        That's something different goldfiggers or sugar daddy by me a Bentley and he can have me I will just pretend its someone younger

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        • Okay can't complain it's your body. Lol

          I don't need a car so nope for me, and we can't get my self to sleep with someone that old.

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        they think they have a chance because often times they do.
        Lot's of younger girls go for older guys, yes a lot of times it's because of money, but plenty of times it isn't.

        Often it's because they want someone more mature, or they think the older guys will treat them better. Sometimes it's simply because they figure the older guy will cherish them more because he's getting attention from someone much younger.

        I agree such a huge age difference is inappropriate but it's more common than you might think.

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        • But why aren't they attracted to women their own age?

          It's still creepy to me because I would never find someone way younger than me attractive, probably immature. And not in the future either, because the young people they try to pick up are young enough to be their kids!
          And if they start a family with a younger person that young person and their children will loose their older parent figure far quicker than usual. And single parenting is hard and tedious. Same reason why they look down on old couples having kids. If theirs no extended family that can take on more kids everyone will suffer financials and mentally as well from the deaths of their parents from a young age in their life.

          Yes I agree 100% for those reasons I stated above. Very inappropriate.

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          • wigz

            They likely are but it's harder to fool experienced women into sex w/ no benefits.

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            • How?
              Where have you seen more younger people sleeping with older men for no reason other to have sex?

              If a guy has a lot of money I think any age range of women would go after him. But they're more like to pick the young ones. That's my personal experience.

              I don't know if that's normal but that's what I've observed with my boss when we have work parties. Since older women at bars would start flirting with him when they hear that he had put a shit load of money on drinks for the whole store.
              And 18 to mid 20's year olds wouldn't bother at all. Only a seen two mid 20's try to flirt with him, but compare that to around 5 middle aged women in one day. We even joke about him being the ultimate piggy bank for all. And he's almost 50 by the way.

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... because those guys are disgusting pigs.

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        • Yes it's gross, I don't want to kiss someone who reminds me off my dad or his friends.

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      • wigz

        "why do older men always think they have a chance with someone half their age?"

        Because they are sexually attracted and women even slightly older KNOW BETTER and won't put up with their b.s. or fall for their lame pick up attempts.

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        • Duh I know they're sexually attracted lol

          I don't think anyone would with the guys I met. All their pick up lines are shit!
          Older doesn't always mean you're wiser. Same with older doesn't always mean you're smarter. I've met some pretty stupid adult females at work and pretty smart ones too.
          Like wise for younger females. And guys can be the same too. Haha

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    • wigz

      Because they can get away with giving you much less than you deserve!

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      • True.
        But if it gets out of hand again, I'm going to report it. Its getting ridiculous I don't care if I risk my job anymore. I doubt they'll fire me over harassment anyway.

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        • peterrabbyt69

          Have you been sucking any of these guys off and you are not telling us?

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          • No of course not!
            And that's disgusting of you to assumed that, when they've been physically harassing me too.
            Always blaming the victim.

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  • peterrabbyt69

    Tell them that you are spoken for already and cut out all this fucking whining.

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    • I'm not whining I'm trying to find a solution for being verbally and physically harassed by older men. Its sexual harrasment.
      If you fine it annoying then leave, people don't have to cater to you on the internet.

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      • peterrabbyt69

        Oh go suck a cock bumtrip or maybe eat a cunt, that sounds more like what you are into.

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        • And now your true nature shows.
          You'll probably keep throwing insults at me because you can't find anything civil and meaningful to say.
          At least it's a amusing read for everyone.

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          • peterrabbyt69

            Thank you. the only reason I post on this site is to entertain people.

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            • satanniggasandpopsicle

              yo peter buddy, how many cocks have you sucked?

              and if you sucked any: how often again would you desire these cocks?

              and if one poked you in the nose, would you return the favor?

              XD hahaha

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            • satanniggasandpopsicle

              entertain people by asking if they suck cock?

              XD lol

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  • Just wait till you get to 40 years old and then you'll have all the younger 20 year old's after your body.

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    • silkspector

      When I reach 40 something if not married and would turn lesbian rather than become a cougar

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      • peterrabbyt69

        sounds like you are a dyke already.

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    • Why would that happen?
      Isn't it normal for young people being into other young people. If I became a MILF that's understandable, but if I was single I don't think so.

      I only heard of boys crushing on older women as the norm in South Korea.

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  • Mel'sEternalMenstruation

    Just tell them off and say "leave me alone!"

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    • I would have if I was allowed to talk back to customers. But I'm not.

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  • herpesfreesince93

    Because older men are not scared little bitchcakes. If they see something they like, they will ask it out. Because they know that they don't have much longer left to live

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    • A 30 year old isn't even half way through their life so I don't know how the logic works for that.

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      • herpesfreesince93

        Life doesn't abruptly end at a specific age so I don't know how your logic works.
        Like Coolio once said: "I'm 23 now, will I live to see twenty fo'? The way things are going I don't know."

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        • It's not my logic it's yours.
          You specifically said.

          "Because they know that they don't have much longer left to live"
          When the average life span is 80.5 years for Aussie men.

          That's quote is from a rap song called Gangsta's Paradise. That particular quote has nothing to do with old men asking out young girls.

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          • herpesfreesince93

            In order to get an average, there has to be people who live longer than 80.5 years and also people who don't reach that amount.
            Nobody knows when they will die, so it is best to assume that you can reach the end of your life in 10 years from now instead of 50 years from now.
            That way you won't sit around wasting time and live your life to the fullest.
            It's not about age, it's about mindset. Your mindset right now is that you are gonna remain to be an eyecatcher for 20 more years when it is probably more in the vicinity of 5 years. Then your mindset will change because you don't get hit on so much anymore.

            And you must read between the lines of what Coolio is saying. Frankly I am surprised that you even know the song. It's not about his struggle with violence and power and money. It's his restlessness. It's his young mindset. And, also, it da bitches n hoes.

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            • You're kinda derailing from the topic. I know how average works. Average also means usual. Still doesn't change that fact that men will usually live around the age of 80.5, and so usually men aren't half way through their life.

              I don't care if I don't get hit on less in the future. I care more about my friends and career. I just want the lewdish behaviour to stop! That's pointless for me, I'm content with my life and if I die tomorrow oh well, I've done and accomplished a lot of personal things already. Just do what you want to do, no need to think of the future like that, with your life expectancy.

              Not really surprising down here, it was really popular a few years ago.
              Nah not really, its mainly to do with youth stuck in a gang/thug type of environment. He even said he wrote the song for dangerous minds the film. "he says that the song is not about him, but about the kids portrayed in Dangerous Minds who feel they don't have control of their lives."
              Search up the meaning on songfacts

              And to get back on topic of this post, I don't believe that 30 year olds are acting inappropriately around me and asking me out, "because they know that they don't have much longer left to live".

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            • Bad101

              I love that song, and they're right it's not really what you say it means.

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