Is it normal for parents to be so controlling?

I want to start of by saying I came to is it normal because I was down about having no friends and not fitting in. This site has helped me an awful lot, and I'm not the shy introverted girl I once was.

My parents specially my mum has always worried about me because I have always been a loner really, too over protective when I was little and I hid behind them for a very long time. I never knew myself, I thought I hated drinking and never wanted to do it, never wanted to try new things, and it worried me because I knew I was letting my parents down. I got over all that and tried new things, I go out more and I am confident about speaking to people I don't know..

Trouble is my mum has started with something else and it's getting me down, my sister has recently got a boyfriend, and he has a brother, he's 29, been married and his wife run away with his brother and are having a baby. My sister set me up with him although I didn't want to for a date.. But I went along to try it, now he won't stop texting and face booking me and inviting me out, trouble is for me there is no attraction, but my mother thinks it takes time and I need to start somewhere, and how ill never find anyone.
Do you agree there needs to be attraction? At least a bit! It makes me feel sick the way he looks at me. And maybe my mums right maybe I never will find anyone but she is pushing and pushing for me to go out with this guy.
If I did I'd be leading him on and have to break his heart... I am 21, I want someone my agish.
But my mum won't let this go and I honestly feel awful about it. Thinking I should give it ago and all this

Help please :'(

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43% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • pusssyeater

    Frankly you're too young for the guy and he's a loser anyway. You deserve better.

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  • hopetolikemyself

    i have controlling parents, but i married about 1.5 years ago at the age of 34. but if i hadn't of done my own thing and gone against what my mom wanted (not to talk to guys) then i wouldn't have discovered my now husband.
    so please don't do what your mom wants if you are not attracted or interested in this guy or in dating.
    i didn't start dating till i was 26!

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    You're better off taking your time to find someone rather than rushing into things and regretting it later.

    I strongly advice you not to force yourself into dating someone just because of peer pressure and fear of the future. Humans can live up to 100+ years, you have plenty of time to find love.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Where are you from? I'm just curious. Your mother needs to stop. You're only 21, and you've got plenty of time to meet the one. This guy is nearly 10 years older than you, and he's probably got some kids of his own. You deserve so much better!

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    • I'm from the uk, my mum is not talking to me.
      But for me there has to be some attraction almost straight away.. Right?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Of course! If you ain't feelin it cut that ole boy loose. Live your life for yourself!

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        • He keeps messaging me, and he is nice, it just all keeps going round in my head. What if I never find anyone after this? What if I do have to 'start' somewhere, all the guys I've liked have either left or not felt the same, I am just stuck.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Well, I can't tell you what to do, because it's your life, but what are you doing for yourself? Are you going to college?

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  • reminiscent

    Its sad your mom told you that you would never find are young and there are a lot of nice guys out will find someone.

    If you are not attracted to this guy dont go out with him..tell him you dont like him that way and dont want to date him.
    if you are not comfertable dont do it.

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  • Your mom is acting weird. If you are not into somebody you shouldnt date them. It is important to have standards and everyone should be picky about finding a partner. There are more important things to do besides dating anyways.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I wholeheartedly agree.

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      • Somebody didn't, but I think there is somebody downvoting anything I say. They must be envious of me.

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        • RoseIsabella

          That could very well be.

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