Is it normal for people to be "ok" with their dogs biting?
I just moved in to what I swear is a neighborhood full of "dog people". Literally every neighbor I have owns a dog. I don't because I don't feel like stepping in shit. Fast forward to a month after I move there and the neighbor's labrador some-fucking-thing-or-what-the-fuck-ever had just completed his hole to get under his owner's fence and made a mad dash after me.
This fucker bit my leg and ripped off a piece of skin on my calve as well as tearing it deeper and I kicked the living hell out of this bastard with my other leg. The shitface who owns the damned mutt came out of his house and scolded me for kicking a "defenseless animal" when only one of us was actually injured and it wasn't the damned dog. I just wanted the mutt off of me.
Now, I am known in my neighborhood as the callous animal abuser and I have had neighbors ask me if I own a pet while I was out checking my mail. When I respond "No", they say "Good" or "It's not for everyone" or something equally as snarky.
I don't fucking get it, should I just let a dog bite me and be cool with it? Is it wrong to defend myself because the damned thing doesn't know that biting is illegal or something? Is this normal!?