Is it normal for people to be "ok" with their dogs biting?

I just moved in to what I swear is a neighborhood full of "dog people". Literally every neighbor I have owns a dog. I don't because I don't feel like stepping in shit. Fast forward to a month after I move there and the neighbor's labrador some-fucking-thing-or-what-the-fuck-ever had just completed his hole to get under his owner's fence and made a mad dash after me.

This fucker bit my leg and ripped off a piece of skin on my calve as well as tearing it deeper and I kicked the living hell out of this bastard with my other leg. The shitface who owns the damned mutt came out of his house and scolded me for kicking a "defenseless animal" when only one of us was actually injured and it wasn't the damned dog. I just wanted the mutt off of me.

Now, I am known in my neighborhood as the callous animal abuser and I have had neighbors ask me if I own a pet while I was out checking my mail. When I respond "No", they say "Good" or "It's not for everyone" or something equally as snarky.

I don't fucking get it, should I just let a dog bite me and be cool with it? Is it wrong to defend myself because the damned thing doesn't know that biting is illegal or something? Is this normal!?

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 21 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • thegypsysailor

    And you didn't call the cops and sue, at least for medical expenses, because you went to the hospital by ambulance with injuries this severe, right?
    And of course, animal control came out to check the animal for rabies?

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    • Didn't involve the police but I did have to go to the hospital... I am speaking to an attorney about it tomorrow because this is bull and I had to get rabies shots.

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  • Crusades|

    You can't reason with dog lovers. Most of'em are crazy illogical fucktards. That's why they love animals so damn much. Because they relate to inferior subhuman behavior and can communicate easier with their stupid four legged friends since they're on the same level of intelligence.

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  • megadriver

    You should have called the cops and sued the bastard for all his cash! Let that learn 'em!
    Also only idiots who don't train their dogs properly can have their dogs roaming free and biting people. All the dog-people I know have well trained dogs. Most are even friendly.
    A dog is there to be your friend and possibly protect your house, not go on a rampage.
    If my neighbor's dog attacked me, I'd sue his ass, have the bastard fired and take everything he owns! I can be a real dick if I want to.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You should've called the police and sued that man! His dog is a dangerous creature.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    The people in your neighborhood are assholes. In the town I live in, if someone is being attacked by a dog, the neighbors would run out of their houses with brooms, shovels, or whatever weapon they could get to help the person being attacked.

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  • Blue_Velvet

    You were right, they were wrong. You had the right to defend yourself. They say it's not the dogs fault but the owner so i guess the owner hasn't been very nice to it since it attacked you. I don't have any pets myself.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm bipetual, meaning I am both a dog and a cat person, but I am a firm believer that people should train their pets. If someone lives in the apartment or condo and has a very small back porch area they should keep their pets inside instead of leaving it out there like it's a backyard. I guess if you get bit by the dog again you could call the police or 911. If a large, aggressive dog bites you, and you're forced to defend yourself then the owner accuses you of animal cruelty just encourage them to call the cops, you can call animal control.

    I am curious to know more about how this attack went down as labs and retrievers aren't generally aggressive dogs. If you act scared and run or scream it makes it worse. Maybe it would serve you well to learn more about canine behavior?

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    • I don't actually know what a lab is or looks like lol. All I know is that it went up to my knee and I was walking across the footpath into my house. That dog loves to stand there at the fence and bark at me and would probably do that all day if someone gave the damned thing the chance.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Lab is short for Labrador.

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