Is it normal for people to think all muslims are terrorists?
Well, like the title says. I have nothing else to add
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Well, like the title says. I have nothing else to add
Americans are Racists fucks, so Yes to an American
All Muslims are Terrorists
All Arabs are Muslims and therefore Terrorists
All Blacks are Drug Addicts, Thieves, Uneducated and have been in or needs to be in Jail
All Mexicans are illiterate and do low pay manual labor jobs
All Whites are superior
As a muslim, Yeah it is normal to think
It is really hard to believe but not all the muslims are terrorist. As a muslim i can understand how difficult to believe that. But pleas dont make stereotypes. Media only shows the terrorist muslims thats why people think all muslims are terrorist
The way media highlights the Muslims as terrorist, so people also seems to believe whatever they read or see in the news. All terrorists are Muslims but all Muslims are not terrorist.
Not to deflect from Islamic terrorism, which definitely is a thing and is definitely connected to Islam, but there are non-Muslim terrorists too.
The KKK are terrorists (and I say "are" because they still exist), as are Christian fundamentalists who blow up abortion clinics.
It's not normal to think all Muslims are terrorists. To have that viewpoint is incredibly narrow-sighted, considering the overwhelming majority of victims of Islamic terror are actually practicing Muslims. Shit like Orlando and Nice happens virtually every day across the "Muslim world". These are people who, typically, are killed for "not being Muslim enough" or being "the wrong kind of Muslim".
However, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect more from the so-called "moderate Muslims"* to tackle the problem.
Disclaimer; I know there are Muslims out there who are liberal and secular as fuck, they do exist, I've known a fair few personally.
But there's just too damn many who get defensive and deflect conversations around Islamic terror and fundamentalism in order to cover their arses, "it has nothing to do with Islam" is their favourite argument. You truly want that to be true? Push for secularist reform, stigmatise ultraconservative viewpoints within your communities and have some damn reasonable morality; stop getting more offended at cartoons than mass murder.
*I also take issue with how this term "moderate Muslims" is used. Being "not violent" doesn't suddenly make you "moderate". If you still (albeit non-violently) believe in Islamic law systems, gender segregation, enforced hijab and criminalisation of fornication and homosexuality then you are not "moderate".
There will always be crazy people in the world with or without religion.
Yes. Goddamn yes. And those of them who are not terrorists are dumb for following a religion like that. I am sorry. That is all i can think of from what i know of islam. Just be a nice person and help those in need and you will never need a religion. Never. So shut the fuck up about "oh, not all muslim are terrorists!". Of course they are not and of course i respect all of them as people. But i cannot help judging them.
You know nothing and you have not much information to judge this. If you knew their life style, you can't say this type of bullshit. Every religion hates terrorism. We see christian guy shoots in schools, colleges in america and killed innocent students and other people. Now can't Muslims say that all christian are terrorist?? On the contrary, Terrorists have no religion.
I agree with what you say. In fact, i hate all religions alike. And i'm not talking about terrorism. I'm talking about maintaining a theocracy, killing those who try to change your opinion, forcing people to pray and using women as tools. And yes, every sacred book says these things and they are all bullshit. But accepting such crap as your state's law and as your lifestyle is plain stupidity.
Well...I think you are wrong here.You seem to be familiar with only the western religions. There are some religions (Buddhism and Wicca for instance) that do not force people to pray. And some that hold women to be equals, or in some cases superior to men (Dianism for example).
Most Muslims are not terrorists. The Islamic Extremists on the other hand. Fortunately they are in the minority.
What is the punishment for leaving Islam ? DEATH .
every Muslim knows this
@Pseodonihm I think there are no religion more extreme than Muslim, Islamic and other like this. They dont respect other religions. If you are not one of them You are AGAINST them. If I'm not mistaken Buddhism don't kill people if you are not one of them and Wicca???(Really??) is out of question
1)Islam is part of the Muslim faith.
2)Catholicism and Judaism are just as extreme. If you read the Bible or the Torah you will see what I mean.
3)Catholicism, Judaism, and the Muslim faith are all fundamentally the same. If you compare the Torah to the Quran it's the same stories told in different ways. And the Bible is based on the Torah. It's not a literal translation but it's pretty close.
Man...when you see all this comments you realize how fucked this world is. No one has respect. I have nothing against religion, but I have to addmit, religion (of any kind) is ruining this world.
No wonder they voted for Brexit
No matter were all be labled no matter who we are
2 black guys killed in Minnesota
4 white cops killed in Texas
1 black cop killed in Louisiana
To me that is all shame and sad why
can't people just love one another