Is it normal for people with "lower ankles" to be clumsy/prone to trippig?

I found out last night that I have an extra bone in each foot. Actually, no. I just found out that people don't have two ankles on each foot. What I thought were my lower ankles are actually called Accessory Naviculars. The only information I can find about them deals with pain and medical issues that can come from having them. Now, I don't have foot pain, but I've always been a very clumsy walker.

When I was little, if I didn't focus on putting my feet down correctly, I ended up on the ground. By the time I started Elementary school I had gotten to the point where I could misstep, feel my ankle, uh, Accessory Navicular touch the ground and barely stumble. I still fell when my ankles rolled the other way, though. By Middle school my balance had gotten way better and I noticed that my lower ankles had started to stick out more. By High School I stopped falling down when I would roll an ankle. It really freaked out a friend when he saw it happen for the first time. He offered to carry me because my foot "JUST WENT FUCKIN' SIDEWAYS!" I told him it didn't even hurt anymore and he looked at me like I was nuts. I just figured I'd gotten used to it since I used to roll my ankles, like, twice a day until I turned 12. Now I wonder if my extra bones may have something to do with this.

Like I said, I can only find information about the medical issues that these extra bones can cause. It seems like, unless these things are causing pain, people don't even know there's something weird about their feet. I didn't, and I'm about to turn 24. I just thought a normal ankle had one bone on the outer side of the foot and two on the inside.

Check your feet everybody! Whether you can relate or not, I wanna know!

I have these bones and I was prone to tripping as a child 0
I have these bones and I am prone to tripping as an adult 0
I have these bones and I have always been prone to tripping 0
I have these bones and I have never been prone to tripping 1
I don't have these bones and OP is a mutant freak! 1
I don't have these bones and OP is the next step in human evolution 0
I don't have to answer these questions and shame on you for asking! 0
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Comments ( 3 )
  • VinnyB

    My right ankle has a tendency to roll sideways. I have sprained and fractured it several times as a result. For me, it is a peice of bone that didn't heal property from an original injury. I was told once by a doctor that it had to do with a growth spurt at the same time as the healing and I have a gap, or am missing a peice of bone or something.

    Anyway, I sympathize with your situation. An irregularity in my bones causes my problem, so I guess it's possible for you to. But because we have different irregularities, I can't say for sure.

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    • VVR

      Oh, yikes! I didn't know a growth spurt could mess up a healing bone. You'd think your body would know better than to stretch you out when you're hurt!

      You have my sympathy as well. Sounds like you've got it worse than I do. Mine still twist and roll if I get too careless, but I've never broken anything from it. Not yet, anyway.

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      • VinnyB

        I don't even know if that is actually the reason. A ER doctor that was treating a fracture about 10 years ago told me that, and he was just guessing. He asked how old I was the first time i injured it, I said 12, and he said maybe I was going through a growth spurt and that was why. But thanks for your sympathy. Haven't had a fracture in almost 4 years knock on wood.

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