Is it normal for protein bars to cause nose bleeds and ear aches

I ate a couple of protein bars, the name was was something like Big RX-100? I forget one was cookie dough the other was fidge. Anyway like 15 minutes after I ate them my right ear started hurting then I felt a little sick, now I just got a nose bleed. Should I be worried

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Comments ( 17 )
  • wistfulmaiden

    I don't think it was the bar.
    IF it was the bar... Then it was radioactive or something. But most likely a coincidence.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Very, very worried.
    I guess no one told you that the 'fidge' protein bars are being made by ISIS in Syria? They have sprinkled glass shards into the dough of the 'fidge' protein bars because no true believer muslim dumbass radical would eat a 'fidge' protein bar, ever.
    They are shipped to our infidel countries to have the glass fragments turn our insides into ground meat.
    I'm not exactly sure how you got some in your right ear, but we all have our eating peculiarities, don't we?

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    • Ellenna

      You are very naughty gypsysailor, surely you realise anyone silly enough to ask this question is going to believe anything?

      By the way, did you know the ground glass thing is a total myth? But don't tell ISIS ....

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      • thegypsysailor

        The ground glass thing is very, very real. I ran into it in Vietnam where the VC would put it in ice and the GI's would then put that ice in their drinks. Nasty.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I know this is from about a week ago, so I'm hoping that you eventually went to see a doctor and are now okay.

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  • Andurlittledog2

    OMG what just happened? It's like a train wreck I can't stop looking.

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  • lovewomen57

    I think you are some wrong protein bars, I would seeing a doctor or calling the company

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  • pixie44

    Obviously that's not normal... like go see a doctor. Common sense people.

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    • Ellenna

      For a nosebleed and an earache? Yeah right clog up the waiting room with another hypochondriac

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      • pixie44


        And actually random nose bleeds and "sick" feeling can be a sign of leukemia so you can fuck off ellenna

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        • Ellenna

          OP didn't mention nose bleedS (plural) it was once, which is hardly random and I don't go to the doctor every time I feel unwell, do you?

          I foresee everyone who believes your post rushing off to the doctor for a leukemia test whenever they feel a bit queasy, but then I guess the last five words of yr post will let them know to take no notice of you

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          • pixie44

            If your feeling sick having ear problems and bleeding out of your nose then yes i would go to a doctor. It may not be drastic like cancer but my fucking point is don't ask people health questions on here. We are not doctors and we can't examine you.

            A nose bleed with no other symptoms is common. A nose bleed with a sick feeling isn't. And obviously bleeding is not normal. If he's worried then he should go see a doctor.

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            • Ellenna

              You're addressing me as "you" as if I'm OP, I'm not, you know.

              It's not only ridiculous to ask health questions on here, it's extra ridiculous to ask whether protein bars cause nose bleeds and I find it quite funny imagining the reaction of a doctor being asked such a silly question.

              I still don't think one nose bleed and feeling nauseous is anything I'd worry about, especially as blood from a nosebleed running down the back of the throat usually does cause nausea.

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  • Arm0se


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  • thefuckup

    You have cancer.

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    • Ellenna

      Not funny

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  • sugartits

    how about a blowjob? ill give you a mouthful of protein

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