Is it normal for someone to reach higher consciousness

It's said to reach the highest level of consciousness, the person becomes spiritually unlimited. Higher consciousness is apart of who we are. It's not uncanny because people constantly seek affection anyways hence all the "desire questions" posted. However; I think most people will d¡e without knowing, stuck on the 1st level ↓

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52% Normal
Based on 29 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • CreativeThinker

    as "thesmokingun" said there are 7 levels I donot know exactly which 7 levels he is referring to but different cultures have different number of steps and practices to awaken ones soul or super conciousness and after last step it is believed that your soul become immortal you will enjoy even after your materialistic body dies but you can still move here and there (with your enlightened soul) it is difficult to say what kind of enjoyment would be there coz a soul without body would not be attracted to watching naked living chicks in bathrooms.......... :D

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I have zero idea of how it's even supposed to feel like and how you trigger it. If I try to stare in front of me and think about nothing I soon start to fidget and a strong urge to stop.

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  • AppleMind

    You've answered your own question; Clearly, it wouldn't be normal for someone to reach a higher conciousness if most of them die stuck on the first level.

    It also would not make sense to ask such a question on IIN given that this is a public forum and public forums are known to iduct "most people." How could you trust/believe/acknowledge any answer here without knowing whether a person has reached a higher consciousness or is still on the first level?

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  • thesmokingun

    There are 7 levels to higher consciousness. At the 7th level, you will be enlightened. The person is fully connected to the earths energy and power. During the initiation it's said that you would feel the sudden rush of energy, it's a bit unnerving. But your body and mind is awakening.
    I say people/society are at level 1 because they are afraid of change and brainwashed. It's similar to the caveman and fire, lol
    Furthermore, it's not an evil ritual. I believe that ancient cultures knew of this power and it would benefit their people. I don't think higher consciousness can harm because it's united with environment and the universe
    Ask a sorcerer? *winks

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    • How the hell do you know? are you Jesus?

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    • AppleMind

      The sudden rush you feel is the affect the Kool aid has on your mind and body before reaching the mothership.

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  • Sweetbird

    nowadays there are as many answers on how to get to that place as there are religions--which is basically how these such things are, however unfamiliar. These experiences do have characteristic tendencies that appear repeatedly, however, though with what we know about mental chemistry and even mental illness, experiencing such a state can no longer even validate it as "supernatural" though it is certainly extraordinary and life changing.

    You'd probably know it when you found it--yet, it might be doubtable later, before or both as well. Or not.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    What counts as higher consciousness? I mean what are we suppose to know exactly? Someone can not answer if they are unless they have some type of concept of what that means to begin with.

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    • Exactly. You understand.

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  • I'll always want to stay in the boundaries God has set for me. There no need for me to go beyond that, it doesn't make sense. Even if people were able to reach a higher conscious, eventually things would just return to the way they are now or worse. Higher conscious is just a another form of superiority people hold over others, and if they do that then they haven't reached a higher conscious at all.
    So all humans will stay at level 1 because to reach any other level is impossible for us, and our history is a testimony to that.

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  • candybee

    What are the levels of consciousness anyway?

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  • fukpeople

    Poorly worded but I kinda get what you're trying to say, and yes it is more than normal for people to die without reaching the higher level of consciousness due to complete ignorance or being skeptical.

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