Is it normal for this to happen or would the pill be appropriate

My friend Chelsey is considering going on the pill. Not for the reason of pregnancy but for menstrual cycle issues. She says she has extremely heavy bleeding and has to change pads every 20 minutes. That on her period she becomes very suicidal and she either gets too nuesiated to eat for 3-8 days or severe diarrhea for 4-8 days. She does not like having to depend on pills. So she wants a second opinion. I told her she should try it but does anyone else have any opinion or information that might be relevant to this matter? She is in her early 20s. She also says they have been getting increasingly severe and that pain medications no longer helps her period pain so she is starting to take stronger pain medication or more of them.

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63% Normal
Based on 19 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • deshikd

    It's totally normal and common for people to use birth control for other purposes. If her symptoms are that bad she should definitely talk to a doctor about trying it. It can regulate hormones that cause PMS and stop ovulation which can cause awful cramps among other things.

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  • pixie44

    There are other types of bc that regulate the cycle besides pills. There used to be a shot that you can get once a month. May have changed though. Just tell her to go see a doctor.

    There are also pills that allow her to have her period be only like 2 days and there are some that allow her to only have her period like 4 months out of the year or something like that.

    Also it could be a hormone imbalance so maybe she could get her blood checked as well.

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  • charli.m

    She should see an OB/GYN or perhaps even an endocrinologist. Periods with that severe are not normal.

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    • Ellenna

      I agree: could be endometriosis or fibroids: she needs to rule out possible causes before taking hormones

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    • charli.m

      *symptoms that severe.

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  • andra

    Try consulting a nutritionist. You could be deficient in vitamins. Eat dark green leafy vegetables. Research the side effects of hormonal therapy. It's very detrimental to your reproductive future to take the pill.

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