Is it normal for u what's happening in lebanon
so Lebanon has been always a perfect place for tourism because of its fantastic natural views and it's nice and friendly people. Lebanese people have been suffering for like 30 years of hard financial conditions and paying a lot of bills and not getting the services we're paying for. People are dying at the doors of hospitals for not having money.Besides the government is made up of 131 thiefs who are steeling Lebanese people, and there are lots of problems that we were facing. We were silent until they wanted us to pay a tax for WhatsApp call 6$ per month, and this was the needle that popped the balloon. So on 17-10-2019 a protest started and the people went down to the streets of different religions (shia, sonnah, orthozox, maroon, druze...), one hand and one heart to ask for our modest rights.
BUT what was weird about this peaceful protest is the way we did it. There's dancing, shisha, weddings, dj, bbq, baby shark song that is all over social media now and CNN, food, u can call it a concert lol. But at the same time its one of the biggest protests that happened in the world where Lebanese ppl from other countries stood with us. u can go to 'polleksandra' on Instagram to see everything...