Is it normal for ups to do this

UPS was gonna deliver me a package today so they call the intercom which is connected to my moms phone so she picks up and the thing lags as usual and doesnt open the gate so I run down the stairs like 30 seconds after they had called and they are gone, nowhere to be seen. No car or anything. I'm just very surprised they could put the package back and get in the car and back it out of the small street outside here and leave all in less than 30 seconds and why they had to be in a such rush. I call the driver up and he doesnt even know who I am or where I live even though he was here a minute ago he doesnt know where I live when I say he just called me here so he says he'll be back tomorrow sometime. I guess tomorrow i'll have to be quick as heck basically not take my eyes off my phone for a second and preferably sit on a chair infront of the gate all day since I probably have about a 10 second timespan to get the package. Never experienced anything quite like it. This is the first time I get a delivery from UPS tho and not another company.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I work at UPS some of them have 400 stops a day. They have families and want to get off and not work a 14 hour shift everyday. And right now thanks to stimulus the workload is up 30%. He probably has a really busy route and didnt have time. You could ask him to put the package somewhere special for you from then on. He would actually prefer that than waiting on the gate.

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    • Makes sense. Should've skipped ordering home delivery... 🙃

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        You said you had the drivers number? Just have him leave it by the fence or toss it over

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        • Yeah because he called my phone right before the intercom but I dont know if its the same driver tomorrow? We dont have a fence I live in an apartment building not a mansion. I guess he could leave it outside on the porch but I need to sign the thing you sign when accepting a package

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Should be the same driver everyday

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