Is it normal for wanting a guy to lose weight

If im dating a guy and hes attractive but has a flabby body is it okay to make him lose weight? Hes sort of skinnyfat seeing as hes not big but hes certainly not skinny at the same time. I think dad bods are more attractive than being very fit but I dont find it attractive when a mans nipple prints are visible through the shirt. If one has fat distrubtion that really gets on the nipple area then one should stay skinny. Men should not have tits even if they are small.

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44% Normal
Based on 9 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • rockyrocks

    normal to have a weight preference, normal to want your partner to adhere to that, abnormal to MAKE them adhere to it

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  • Yaidin

    Maybe you talk about it with him and support a healthier lifestyle. Nothing wrong with wanting your guy to be a little fitter, especially since you don't set impossible standards on the man.

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