Is it normal gay people annoy me

Mostly gay men. I'm not fond of gay women either but gay men are just so annoyong. They always seem to want attention so badly and the fact that a man can act like a women like that is sickening. With the little feminine accent and traits... Can't stand em to be honest. Sorry not sorry.

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47% Normal
Based on 72 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • TheHighFlyer

    So it isn't gay people that annoy you, it is effeminate acting men. Many gay men do not act that way, and some men that do are straight. My father in law has a raspy voice that just goes right through me, and a laugh that would make Richard Simmons sound straight in comparison, but he is very straight.

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    • flyingnostalgia

      He may be a closet fag, you never know.

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    • noid

      So many people don't seem to know this.

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      • Gay men and feminine men, yes. Both are annoying.

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    • RoyRogers

      I think that is the OP real issue. However effeminate men is what advertised as gay and a lot of gay men think that is what it means to be Gay. They think gay and fruity is the same thing and it really isnt. You can still be masculine and gay. To be honest feminine and cissy men annoy me as well.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      I can't stand RachaelRay cause her voice makes me want to cough.

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  • jaymesfairless

    Just the stereotypical one's annoy you. 80% of the other gays you probably have no clue are gay. Yes faggots are annoying, the gays that choose to "be different" the explosive, in your face queens, gay for attention. Yea they fucking annoy us all.... Then there's those of us who aren't addicted to drama.

    Faggot's are annnoying.
    Gay's are not.

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  • TheWrinklySailor

    Here's the thing that people like you fail to realize:

    People who purposely act flamboyant are conforming to a stereotype of simple "in your face," and proud "gayness." Yes, it can be irritating, but it exists for a reason.

    All of the people that bitch and moan about "fag parades" and the fact that people act in a blatantly, up your ass and in your face manner about their homosexuality do so for a reason.

    It's because those people spent half their life apologizing for their sexuality; being ashamed of who they are, and when they finally come to terms with who and what they are, they feel the need to celebrate it and flaunt it in the face of all of those who don't accept it. I don't fucking blame them for that.

    If there weren't so many people that hated gays, there would be no gay parades, plain and simple. That's why there are no straight people parades; because it's accepted and expected.

    So to all of those people that bitch and moan about flamboyant gay people and gay parades; that is on you! You created that limp-wristed monster by being a bunch of ignorant, unaccepting cunts. If you would just take a breath and stop making homosexuality a big fucking deal, then homosexuals will inevitably stop making homosexuality a big fucking deal. can just keep bitching. Flame those flamers.

    Douche out

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  • TheDentist

    You are a bigoted cunt and people like you annoy ME!

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    • Classic liberal response

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      • RoyRogers

        Hahahaha, Spot on XD

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      • Royalburden

        I just love it, post a thread about how you hate a blanket group of people and don't give shits what other people think and the moment someone tells you how much of an ignorant douche you are go for the political route because why not. No one wants to be called a "dirty liberal social justice warrior" right?

        What was the whole point of this anyways, to prove to yourself you can pull off the douchebag act? So what you hate gays. There are people with bigger megaphones than you saying the same stupid shit and they're still.....weeeell stupid. Go on keep judging people by your own empty headed assumptions. Black people act like this, gays act like that. Liberals all do this conservatives are always like that. It all fits into your little puzzle in your little head, you're only doing yourself a disservice because people are going to hear your crap and realize this guy doesn't give a shit about who you are he's just going to make his assumptions and be an asshat. Nobody likes asshats besides other asshats. If all you want is to be surrounded by asshats stay at home and talk to yourself you'll get the same benefit.

        There's more to gays than being effeminate and doing hair and being good at designing. There's more to gays than having the buttsex and getting attention. You might not give a shit, but wouldn't you like it if someone decided to actually listen to what you had to say and the view you had of the world besides just seeing you as an asshat?

        Now, I don't care if by the end you still decide "Eh gays ain't my cup o' tea" Whatever, but if you're going to open a thread just to trigger a reaction, remember at least somewhere in that asshat of yours. Those gays they're people just like you doing the best they can. It's a waste of energy and a real pity for your priorities to be spending hate on them. Save that hate for pedos and murderers and people who deserve it. I doubt a gay has ever done anything to hurt you.

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        • Who said I hate gays? I said I can't stand em, they annoy me. Same thing liberals like you would say about Christians and other people who actually have morals and standards.

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          • 49erwellish

            "Morals and Standards", you say. What morals and standards? They sound unpleasant and uncomfortable things, actually cruel and ignorant. As a man, I certainly don't want you as a sexual partner, so perhaps you could relax a little? Probably most other men would feel similar because you just sound so nasty. Do you find women like you?
            Suppose you start again and this time try to be more honest? What is your problem with other men who don't choose to dress as you do, don't share your social and cultural attitudes etc. and prefer sex with people of their own gender?
            I think that for a reason you have not yet given, these people frighten you. But why? They are no threat to you. The problem must come from you, then mustn't it? Please ask yourself why, and if you can spare the time then perhaps you could share it with us?
            I think you are hurting because of something in your past experience and lashing out because of it and therefore feel a bit sorry for you. Hope you feel better soon.

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        • Charli.m's_Messy_Period

          Such a presumptuous liberal. Do you hear yourself? Of course, gays have artistic abilities in disproportionate levels to the general population. And, we are all better off if they develop their talents. No dispute there.

          I want you to take a stiff cock up your quivering rectum whilst you get humiliated. Then, at least, you will have some idea of what your idealism means related to dominance of the human soul.

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  • helpful_demon

    you're really lumping in a whole ton of people here, which isn't all that great of you to do. not all queer people act in the way you were describing, and it sounds more like you're annoyed by "effeminate" behavior in general, especially when it comes from men, which ALSO isn't very nice of you. there's nothing wrong with anyone, including men, acting this way, it's just that our society puts such a precedence on men having a stereotypically "masculine" or "macho" façade going on that anything else is seen as artificial and unnatural (as you mentioned, done for attention). just let people be themselves, including people that act in the way you described, because ultimately there's nothing wrong with it, the problem is with society's strict rule-making regarding these things and your reaction, which is dictated by this societal dialogue. I hope this made sense, I had a lot of thoughts on this I wanted to get out but it all kinda came out as mush. :/

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  • Bungy

    You are all so unbelievable. You all just spew hatred. I don't hate gays, but I hate what they do. It was Adam and Eve...NOT Adam and Steve. Oh yeah, we're not allowed to talk about the Bible and what it says, are we?
    And if we ARE allowed to talk about it, we either have to re-write it so it says what we want it to, or play the pick and choose game. You know, I like this part of the Bible, so I'll accept it. Don't like this part, so out it goes. You all should be more interested in finding TRUTH. And that begins with the Bible, and what GOD says about homosexuality. And no, the Bible wasn't written by was written by the Holy Spirit THROUGH men. God/Jesus loves EVERYONE. Straight or Gay. But he DOES have a standard...which we will all be judged if I were any of you....I'd find out what the TRUTH is.....because...when it's all said and done it doesn't matter a RIP what any of you think. It only matters what God thinks. Love everyone...but HATE sin...and sin is anything that doesn't line up with the WORD of God.

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  • thegypsysalIor

    Well you'd hate me then! I'm a sassy sailor! Ooh!

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  • 49erwellish

    I suppose it is perfectly normal to be heavily prejudiced against large numbers of people for no reason, but I find it very unattractive and so do many others. The more you espouse such deeply offensive views the unhappier you will become. Do please, please tell us about your perfect lifestyle, sexual habits and beliefs, then we can all have a good laugh!

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  • bucho's_butt

    I've never understood the whole gay pride thing. What's to be proud about? I'm not proud that I'm straight. I just am.

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    • TheWrinklySailor

      See my above comment, cunt!

      : P

      - the countess of douche

      Let us convene at a straight pride parade! We shall march for the lonely sausages in need of a warm ham wallet to rest their weary eye! Let us wear Levi's and normal sized shirts!

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      • bucho's_butt

        You're very smart.

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        • TheWrinklySailor

          No. No sir. No I'm not. I got diagnosed as a full retard at sailing some person with khakis and a badge. I tipped over a kayak and attempted to save a camper with no legs whilst the fiber one bars sunk to the bottom of the lake. Three dollars fifty...two and a half feet underwater. That's the day I learned about priorities.

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          • bucho's_butt


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  • Terence_the_viking

    yes i fucking hate campy twats.

    I know your are gay but do you have to act like the bitch woof woof.

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  • Winter34

    I know a lot of Gay guys who aren't flamboyant. I'm on of them. But, I agree with you. Queens are annoying.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I don't mind gay, it's diva behavior I find annoying. I like my gay friends cause they are on the casual side of gay:)

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