Is it normal getting panick attacks thinking of my crush ?
I am 21 female that has been religious ever since I was young.
There's certain morals and/or beliefs I have been bought up on.
Some years ago when I was about 16, I developed a soft spot for one of my girl mates. It grew from there.Eventually I admitted to my self I had feelings for this girl. I was very ashamed, felt guilty but most of all, developed anxiety when I thought about her or was meeting up with her. It was mixed with excitement but more so fear took over. I never used to be this way around her initially. I got over her and this when we stopped being real friends for years but now that I've decided I'm going to get this off my chest because i have always had this on my mind, I've gotten so worked up about it. Its like my mind can't fathom the idea so I've gone into depression. Something that was supposed to be exciting has turned into a nightmare and I can't be positive because I always end up anxious! I feel my fam would be disgusted in me! Am I normal??