Is it normal gray green poo?

I'm not really sure how to describe it, but the past few weeks my poo has been very dark and not brown, sort of a gray color with a tinge of green. The poo isn't too hard or soft it's normal but usually when I get this it's only small pieces of poo. (When I wipe though sometimes I see these really tiny black seed shape things?)

I've tried researching it but nothing really comes up, I have an okay diet, I drink a lot of water and eat enough fruit and veg/bread/etc. and I hardly eat chocolate or unhealthy things.

I've been thinking about going to my doctor about it because I don't know if it's bad or not, but I don't want to embarrass myself if it's nothing wrong.

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27% Normal
Based on 26 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • hgjukbjk

    When I poop I see most of my food. I pooped out noodles a few days ago and thought I had tapeworms.

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  • bucketfullofassholes

    This reminds me of the SpongeBob episode with the fake Krabby Patties.

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  • you_go_glen_coco

    When your poop go through your intestines too fast it has no time to turn brown and that means it doesn't get digested all the way. This could be the greenish colour. It can also be green because you eat a lot of leafy green vegetables. Iron supplements can also make it green.

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    • The green is probably iron supplements since I've been taking them recently! Is there anyway to slow the process so it can turn brown or do I have to see a doctor for that?

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      • you_go_glen_coco

        You could eat foods that are rich in iron as opposed to taking iron supplements. You get different iron. You get animal iron (commonly known as Heme) and plant iron. Animal iron gets absorbed quicker and easier by the body than plant iron. Taking more vitamin C will also help with absorbing iron better.

        I don't know why you are taking iron supplements though. If your doctor prescribed it, then you should take it. (do you have or stand a high risk of developing anemia?). So, if you must take it then you can eat fibre too. Eat yogurt and nuts. This won't "slow down" things but it will help break the food into smaller pieces that will be easily absorbed and might make your poop brown again.

        You don't have to worry too much. However, if the smell of your poop changes or if blood comes out too you should haul ass to the doc

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        • Thank you! I was prescribed iron supplements by my doctor after a blood test where my iron was very low, I tried eating food containing iron but that didn't seem to help so I'm taking the tablets. the tablet are mainly iron but it also has Vitamin C, I also take Viramin D tablets because that was also very low.

          I actually hardly ever eat nuts or yogurt, so that could help.

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  • johnpartridge

    There's no harm in going to the doctor. The colour suggests it might be passing through your digestive system too quickly, which is probably stress/IBS. The thing to really watch out for is black, sticky stools, which suggest semi-digested blood, in turn suggesting internal bleeding.

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  • Physics-Fatty

    If you're a goose

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