Is it normal hard lumps around anus?

Okay so while I was on the toilet I felt around two hard lumps around my asshole, they weren't outside it felt like they were under the skin. They aren't that big, they feel kinda small and it doesn't hurt when I was touching it but I've noticed when I sit down for too long (especially on a hard seat, like wood) I feel pain around that area and when I stand up it's the worst but it goes away quickly.

I'm not sure what it is, they might be hemorrhoids but it doesn't hurt when I poo and there is no blood. I'm a bit concerned if it might be something serious. I've been thinking of going to the doctors but I'm kind of really embarrassed because most likely they would want to see it, and it's like directly on/around my anus and it would just be really embarrassing

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31% Normal
Based on 16 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Ellenna

    Go to the doctor and ignore your own embarrassment: h/she will have seen an anus before and you really need to find out if this is something serious or not. For example, if you've been having unprotected sex the lumps could be warts, which won't go away by themselves

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    • Thank you, I will try to see a doctor sometime soon. I don't think it could be sex related because I'm really young and I've never had sex lol

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  • VirgilManly

    Don't be embarassed. See a doctor.

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  • xfg20

    It's cancer. I wouldn't see a doctor because he'll laugh at you.

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    • imsoJealousofIman

      Wow. Fucking brilliant laugh pal! Have you ever had the Doc say "It's cancer" If not how about you keep your sick, vile and generally uncalled for thoughts in your stupid skull? For some people those words are a death sentence. Cancer is NEVER fucking funny. It's a cruel, terror causing, scare. And it's idiots like YOU who think it's soo funny. News flash- You are the biggest troll ever. And possibly Katie fucking Hopkins' BFF.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    As long as they are not shitlumps.

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