Iin2hate zooming in suddenly on google maps&hate using maps full stop?

I cannot bear it when Google Maps zooms in suddenly and I always have to cover my eyes and look through my fingers until I know for sure it's zoomed in to where I might want it to ... I guess it's because I don't like feeling like something's flying into my face?

I also can't bear looking at maps with lots of blank open space, or a REALLY close zoom-in of an island with no other visible islands or land for some reason. It really freaks me out.

Go to Google Maps [map setting] and look up Cheddar [in Somerset] and drag your mouse up so you can't see the reservoir at all; or Guam.
That is my idea of hell.
I think I find lone islands scarier to look at in satellite view, for some reason.

I'm fairly sure this is an irrational fear but I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who feels this way, and if such a fear actually exists .

For now I'm considering it some bizarre offshoot of agrophobia.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Just realised something.... I find it more unpleasant looking at a map with a body of water (even one that has clear walls around it) than if it's all land.

    I can SEE the boat going and I KNOW that nothing will happen, but my stomach didn't half turn just now.


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  • myownopinions

    You can try disensitizing yourself to it until you can fully face your fears.

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    • I try, but it still terrifies me. Time and time again

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      • myownopinions

        Then you may need to see a proffessional, unless your fine with always having that fear. Oh, and I also read in a psychology book that you should try thinking of something that makes you happy to try to counteract the fear (i.e. like eating chocolate while pretending your at Disney World as you face your fear).

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    that's because it's not really zooming in automatically.

    you most likely hit a scroll button on the mouse while you were looking at the map.

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    • Actually, what I usually do is drag the zooming buttons on the left-hand side of the map using my cursor.

      But yes, it is horrible when I accidentally scroll up or down suddenly

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        I thought all map systems had zooming.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        sometimes i forget when im on the mac... i scroll with 2 fingers on the mouse pad. but then if i'm on map i forget that this zooms the map instead of scrolling up and down

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        • I use a PC, though...

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            you can still scroll tho - with a mouse pad or with the mouse scroll button

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  • Mellox

    Not normal, but I completely understand where you're coming from.

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