Is it normal he said straight people can't wear rainbows?

So there's a pride display at my job. One of my coworkers was talking to my other co-worker and was loudly complaining about a straight woman buying a rainbow skirt from it. I butted into the convo and asked

"what's wrong with a straight person wearing a rainbow skirt? Rainbows are pretty. Anyone can wear one."

He replied with something along the lines of "Rainbows represent who I am. Straight people can't come in and take it. You were wearing a Bi pride top yesterday. Would you like it if a straight person wore Pink, purple, and blue stripes? That would be like a white person wearing a black power shirt."

I reply with "I really don't care what other people wear. I don't own the colors pink, purple, and blue and you don't own the rainbow. It's a free country. People can wear what they want."

He then said "I don't think I'll be speaking with you anymore"

He's tried venting about our conversation with a few people but so far nobody has taken his side. The dude is a nutcase. Was his opinion normal?

Voting Results
5% Normal
Based on 19 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • KholatKhult

    No his opinion isn’t normal he’s just a weirdo
    Sounds like bait

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  • LloydAsher

    To be fair the LGBTQ+AAGH7& (sorry all for forgetting your individual genders) has kinda cooped the whole rainbow as a sign of being gay.

    Though I will say adding the black line in as a show of solidarity of african americans to be completely retarded.

    If you make your group so diverse it's a detriment because no one knows what the fuck you guys are even are supporting anymore.

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  • ospry

    Look at the most recent version of the pride flag: numerous straight lines and the color white is included in there. Straight white folks have just as much right to be proud of who they are as gay, bi, trans people of any race. Point that out to them next time and ask if there are certain groups that are excluded from feeling good about themselves

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I know a good number of LGBT+ people and am yet to hear of it not being appropriate for straight people to wear rainbow clothing. Also how did he know the customer was straight, did he just assume?

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  • Somenormie

    I have a rainbow towel and happen to also be straight and I wear it sometimes however just because I wear it doesn't mean I should stop wearing it because of a rainbow.

    There's nothing wrong in a straight person wearing anything rainbow related.

    The dude who you are describing sounds very snobbish aka condescending and has a huge ton of issues a head of him.

    Not to mention people had every right to not be on his side and rather from what I'm assuming to be on the other person's side which you mention is your co-worker.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      I have an elvis towel and im not a musical sensation

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      • dude_Jones

        At least y’all’s got good taste.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          fuck right

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      • Somenormie

        Pretty much the same thing just nothing wrong in that.

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  • litelander8

    His opinion is not normal. I think you’re better off not speaking with him.

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  • darefu

    I voted yes normal, because I'm finding more and more far lefty opinions bleeding into the main stream or slight left.

    For some reason they seem to feel if you are not part of their world and believe as they do, then you are wrong and have no place in their life.

    They have a fit when they meet a conservative bi chick. They just can't understand, gender identity or sexual preference does not have to dictate every other part of your life.

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  • Menacingduck

    I guess these rainbow morons think they own colors now.

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  • Anonnet

    I can kind of see where he's coming from, but he's placing too much emphasis on symbols. They're not STATUS symbols; they're meant to show support, not just broadcast to everyone who you are. Saying straight people shouldn't wear rainbows is like saying no one should ever show solidarity. Basically, "No one can support me unless they ARE me!"

    I, in fact, would love it if white people wore black power shirts. It would be weird, yeah, but unless he's trying to be ironic, I can at least be assured that he's trying to be supportive. Which is the whole point.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah but you will never see "white power" anything. There is no "heterosexuals unite!" flag because those two points are discriminatory against others when in full reality they are conveying the same message as a pride flag.

      The KKK do not own the rights to "white power".

      I'm proud of my race and that's not an inherently racist statement. And by my race I just mean generally proud of northern European/ european american heritage.

      Honestly I find any kind of race celebrations to be horrendously vague and stupid. National pride works far better.

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      • Anonnet

        Unfortunately, they don't convey the same message, specifically because certain groups have already ruined those symbols. There's nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, but history happened and reality is reality.

        I find it weird that you would say you're proud of your race and then immediately follow that up with "race celebrations are stupid." Which is it? If you're talking about things being vague, national pride isn't any better.

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        • LloydAsher

          Im proud to be white is vague. I'm proud to be finnish is also too specific, I'm proud to be "western" but theres no name for it.

          Western as in the philosophy of its creation and governance rather than the geological position.

          Unfortunately the LGBTQ community has already ruined the pride flag by adding too many colors and negating the obvious infighting that will cause it to rip itself apart.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I wanna get a shirt that says "Poodle Power"!

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        • LloydAsher

          And some Yorkshire terrier owner will get mad.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Only the Border Collie outranks the Poodle in intelligence.

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  • BleedingPain

    This is the kind of person that reinforces cancel culture

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Wow that is stupid.

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