Is it normal hid lights in halogen reflectors send me into a murderous rage?

It is so selfish and rude. is it normal it irks me so?

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42% Normal
Based on 62 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • MissyLeyneous

    Those hellacious purple lights??? I hate those stupid things! They're supposed to be "easier on your eyes" but that's a LIE. A DIRTY, DIRTY LIE!!! >_<

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    • That's what I'm talking about. Gather you crowbars, we're off to Macdonalds carpark to break headlights.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Yeah, it sucks when I am driving on the road or highway and someone with those headlights is driving opposite of me.

      Or worse, they are driving directly behind me and it reflects in my rear view mirror. Drives me nuts.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I agree with you completely. Everytime I see a commercial for that bullshit talking about how much "safer" it makes driving, I want to punch the person who invented them. Maybe it makes *you* able to see better, but it's a danger to everyone else who passes you.

    I have really bad problems with photosensitivity, I have almost wrecked on a few occasions because of those lights. Driving at night is hell for me to begin with, then you get shit like that. Can't even see the bloody road in front of me when someone with those lights is passing.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I would like to change my answer as I didn't understand the nature of the question.

    Yes, I fucking HATE those headlights. I do most of my driving at night and work graves and when someone is driving behind me (or tailgating) or opposite of me, it fries my fucking retinas.

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  • myownopinions

    They're really annoying to look at at night.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Getting annoyed , sure that's normal

    but a "murderous rage" is... a bit over the top.

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    • I may have exaggerated slightly.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        o good. the last thing we need is someone murdering and raging in a car =)

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  • GuessWho

    If it annoys you that much, just get those yellow glasses for when you drive at night.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    So if you went to a football game at night or something similar where the stadium is lit exclusively with mercury-vapor HID lights, would you just burst into flames and spontaneously combust?

    Or are you just referring to automotive headlights? I'm confused.

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    • Just automotive sorry, unless the stadium lighting was coming from ground level and shining in my face.

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  • Sadomasochist&BDSM


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  • Shackleford96

    Why do HID lights in halogen reflectors send you into a "murderous rage?"

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    • Because they hurt my eyes. If they were installed correctly with HID projectors with cutoff shields I'd be fine but most people don't do that.

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      • Shackleford96

        I see. Seems like a reasonable thing to be bothered by to me.

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    I am fairly light-sensitive and they sometimes make it so I have trouble seeing if they aren't aimed properly (which they usually aren't).

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    • The "plug and play" kits can't be aimed properly as the lightsource of the bulb is in a different shape to that of a halogen. HIDs make three times as much light so they spread that light over a larger area with a wider beam pattern.
      It just bugs me that people aren't willing to invest in a complete retrofit at the expense of blinding me.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        People think "plug and play" means they're already adjusted, but that's wrong. You still have to adjust them down. I work nightshift, and my eyes adjust to dark really well. Sometimes I only drive with the dims on, and then these purple dipshits come through BLINDING ME?! That shit hurts... T_T

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  • GuessWho

    They're awesome. You can see much better when driving at night. I want to get a Xenon light kit for my car.

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    • GuessWho

      Obviously, I'd just be changing the lamp in the stock reflector, so it will still shine the legal distance, just brighter.

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      • But it won't just be brighter. Your halogen reflectors are designed to have a cutoff on low beam with very little light going above it
        like this _/ _/. the HID bulbs produce light in a different patern than the filament does in the stock bulbs so the beam pattern is lost along with the cutoff, that is why they have their own specialy shaped reflectors or projectors.

        Google image HID pnp glare for some cutoff shots compared to HID projector cuttoffs.

        Do it right or don't do it at all.

        Every night that you drive you will blind hundreds of other drivers because you are to cheap to do a proper retrofit.

        If you don't want to cut up your headlights buy a pair of morimoto mini H1 projectors and they should just screw straight into your existing reflectors.

        There are heaps of how to threads on hidplanet.

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