Is it normal hole in vaginal wall?

I have come to realize there is a small hole in my vaginal wall. I've noticed it for a few years but don't know if it was there any earlier. No, it's not my cervix. No, it's not my urethra. It's a small (or medium?) hole the size of the tip my index finger, just half an inch into my vagina.

I can push my finger in a little and it feels very uncomfortable to do, but doesn't cause me any pain. It seems to narrow as it goes in.

It never has caused me pain, but IIN? Is this a problem or should I let it pass?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Arm0se

    See a gynecologist .-.

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  • jethro

    You should see a gynecologist like Armose said. Mainly because if you think your urethra is in your vagina, you do not really understand female anatomy. Get out a book and see what the parts are called and where they are located. If you had a fistula that penetrated the vaginal wall into your abdominal cavity, you would be in some pain. If that happened, there would be a pretty good infection going on in short order.

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    • I do understand female anatomy, thank you very much. I understand where the urethra is located, as I do with every other part. I was saying ' No, it's not my urethra' in advance because I knew that people who understood anatomy less (and I've seen it) would respond going, 'Are you sure it's not your urethra?'

      It's a legitimate hole in my vaginal wall, though it (oddly) causes me no pain. I will see a gynaecologist about it, thank you.

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  • DiddleStik

    GOSH SEE A GYNO NOW ABOUT THAT.... infection can set in there.

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  • Go to an OB/GYN, we can't help you here.

    But.. um out of curiosity.. have you ever penetrated yourself or had sex before?

    Or even put a tampon inside you during your period?

    Because that sounds like an entrance into your vagina and it's small and feels uncomfortable because it's partially being covered by your hymen.

    And as you put stuff inside of you (like tampons or toys or dicks), the hymen stretches and then there's no pain anymore and you can 'easily' slide things in and out with some lubrication (whether it's your own or lube)

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    • Yes, going to the GYN. Just wondered if anyone else ever experienced this.

      About that, bit of a TMI here, but I have checked. I have never had intercourse before and have no desire to, but I have been up there numerous times, I know where everything is. I have used tampons before. It's not the entrance to my vagina, it's an additional thing on the side.

      I don't know how else to describe it besides this: Imagine a tunnel. The far end of the tunnel is blocked (the cervix), and the other is the entrance that you just walked into. A foot into it, you notice there is a smaller and narrower tunnel connected to the side.

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      • Then go to a gyno because I don't know what else to tell you.

        I mean, I know what a vagina is lol, I've got one. But I also penetrated myself and know how it felt and all that.

        Vaginas are mysterious, what to tell you.

        I hope everything turns out to be okay, for your sake!

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