Is it normal how to handle the car situation

my step daughter would like to use the car to go work and do errands. she had money saved up to get a used car and a duplex with her bf, but it was stolen out of her bank account by a hacker or something.

I can't drive her because we end up fighting.My wife can't drive because she has nerve damage to her legs. I kind of embarrassed my stepdaughter at work without really meaning to.I don't trust her to take my car.but I don't like taking her on errands either.

The bus stop is too far away.Sometimes the bf takes her but he can't always do it.I keep telling her the brakes are bad so she can't drive it. My wife wants to give her a car and the money back for the duplex so she can leave and everyone will be happy. we can afford it but I would rather not.Is there any way around it?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • pizzabrowniesushi

    Have her check the banks website,and see if her bank has identity theft protection. Most banks have it. some give it to you for free some charge you ten bucks a month. I guarantee the pricks are gonna try and weasel their way out of it. but tell her to be a little pushy and mean and threaten to take her business elsewhere. You should get your money. I had to do this with my stepdad when he first started to get Alzheimer's.damn hackers.

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  • DuHast

    Talk to your wife about why you don't want to give it to her, would be my guess

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  • Francisf

    Can't she buy a car on hire purc?ase or get a bank loan?
    I wouldn't be interested in giving money to someone who supposedly lost money in this way.
    Can her bf not rent an appt for now too .? It sounds like living situation isn't great.

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  • polkadotbikini

    read your other seem to enjoy being miserable.give her the money on the condition she moves out. if the bank fixes the situation she can give it back and your wife and can have peace.

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  • DublinGirl

    Oh, for the days when a car was far from the ubiquitous necessity it is now, especially for the young. Is it really so long ago that high school kids held bragging rights if they rolled up to school, smirking, on a bike?

    All the obvious bases have been covered by previous posters. The issues you have with your step-daughter and the fact you don't want her driving your car are unfortunate factors but you seem adamant on that score so we can shut those options down.

    I believe the point made by Ellenna is worth repeating - unless the bank has good reason to believe your daughter's account was hacked due to some security lapse by her, they should be held accountable for the hack. That would certainly be the case in the UK and I'd be surprised if it isn't so in the States.

    No bus stop, your wife not an option, boyfriend unable to pitch in - all this doesn't leave much room for manoeuvre. And I can assure you that the 'bad brakes' excuse won't hold water for very long, if her seeing you driving the car every day hasn't sprung a few resentful leaks already.

    The way I see it, your immediate course of action is to head straight back to the bank concerning the hacking issue. I've just done a quick search and one of many random links on the subject, based in the US, threw up this quote:

    "If it's clear that the financial institution is where the breach occurred...then the bank has the liability. If the liability is on the side of the customer, or if there is a breach of security on both sides, then reimbursement becomes a matter of negotiation or even litigation."

    Am I right in assuming the post about the hacker being one of the bank's own employees is correct? If so, then I can think of no court in the land that wouldn't find them accountable and insist they reimburse your step-daughter's loss.

    If, for any reason, this course of action hits the buffers then, given all the hurdles you've thrown up, I'd say the best, if not only, compromise is for you to loan your step-daughter and her boyfriend the money (which you say you can afford) on terms which are acceptable to all concerned.

    If none of this is acceptable to you, then I say we all head for a darkened room and sit in a circle breathing into paper bags!

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  • edthenut

    she is 32. she really did get hacked. the guy worked at the bank and did it to quite a few people.

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    • Ellenna

      So isn't the bank covering it? They'd have to in Australia

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    • nikkiclaire

      Sorry, I don't buy the hacker stuff if you live in a western nation, desposits are insured by the federal government. If it was true, and a bank employee actually hacked the account, then the bank would be covering that missing money right away.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Just listen to your wife, she's right on this one. It's not like the poor kid blew all her money on drugs or something. If this hacker thing is real then there must be a way to help her learn to protect her finances and information. She doesn't sound like a bad kid, but I'm curious as to how old she is. Maybe this move in with her boyfriend is premature though if she's just out of high school. Ya'll could give her a car so she can get to work more easily and have her wait on the moving in with her boyfriend. I think it would be good to help her with the money, but have her learn about protecting her assets before ya'll give it to her. Also encourage her to start up another savings of course. I think work and education are more important than the whole boyfriend thing.

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    • heckleBucker

      This all smells very phishy. Hacking? Brakes? I smell budgeting irresponsibility. I smell dope.

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