Is it normal i am 28 and feel like 60

I am 28 years old but feel like an old man. I have no energy, no motivation, i feel like an old tired soul just waiting around to die. I am exhausted all the time

I am on antidepressants and i have tried many other things but nothing seems to have a big effect on me

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41% Normal
Based on 46 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Trade ya....

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    • Ellenna

      And so would I ..... but in the words of the cliche, only as long as I knew what I know now

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  • pineappleguineapig

    Normal insofar as it's a symptom of depression.

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  • Terry...

    No it isn't normal. Some may say it is because you are depressed, but are you depressed because you feel so weak all the time? That would make life very difficult for you and bring you down. See your doctor and see if there is a medical problem making you so weak and tired. Maybe it is something that can be medically fixed. Then you could live the life you deserve. I hope this is the case. I feel terrible for you. Good luck and please go see your doctor,

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  • Goomats

    I'm 29 and I feel like a very confused 19 year old.

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  • Holzman_67

    I feel 80 most Mondays Nevermind plenty to enjoy even through the lethargy

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  • Navilluschizo

    yeah. i feel super old

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  • sincerepumpkin

    My brother is your age and going through the same type of thing. He's been making flash animations with some of his angsty tones. It's cathartic for him. Maybe finding a hobby that interests you and a healthier diet might help get you outta that funk.

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  • Ellenna

    Ever considered it could be the anti-depressants? I've refused to take them for years because they all have that effect on me and I've found meditation, music, walking, eating well, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, other counselling and as much as possible only mixing with positive people who care about me much more helpful than anti-depressants.

    Of course the other problem with them is that you can't go off them quickly, so please don't try that. Once you've been off them for a while, say a month, you could try St Johns Wort, which has been proven to help with mild depression and it won't make you lethargic.

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  • TheDentist

    How do you know what 60 feels like if you've never been older than 28?
    But seriously, when I'm feeling old, I get a trendy hairstyle, buy a beaten up pickup truck, paint flames on it and drive around with a BB gun shooting the elderly.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      somethin tells me yall gots nitrous on that thang

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