Is it normal i am 19 and terrefied of the dark?

I am 19 years old and I am terrefied of the dark. It was an normal fear as a child and between the ages of 16-19 I belivied I was over it, but 2 days ago I had to fetch something on the other side of a field. I felt numb, shaking, cold, out of breath, terrefied. Is it normal to still be afraid?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 53 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • werecat

    It's normal

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  • disthing

    It's not exactly irrational to be worried about what might be there in the dark, but it's really the extent that determines normality.

    In this case, being truly terrified to the point of shaking when not in any immediate peril simply because of the dark isn't normal. It's a phobic reaction. Perhaps you have a phobia of the dark?

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  • Freedom69

    The monsters always have nocturnal eye sight, so the light is your friend.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I suppose it's somewhat normal. I'm a 44 year old woman, and I don't like clowns. I'm not afraid of clowns but I don't like them!

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  • thegypsysailor

    I don't understand a fear of the dark. Of course, there are many horrible things that creep about in the shadows, but if it's dark, they can't see you any better than you can see them. But in the light, all is revealed and you become a tasty morsel just waiting to be gobbled up. The dark is your friend and the light your enemy.

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  • Freedom69

    But its still not normal, because I know there is nothing but to actually look into the vast empty dark is one that lets me walk backword..

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