Is it normal i am afraid of gay act and gays
i hate gay act and sort afraid of it, there are two gay guys who want to have it with me and whenever i see them i am really afraid of them i get into fight or fly condition.
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i hate gay act and sort afraid of it, there are two gay guys who want to have it with me and whenever i see them i am really afraid of them i get into fight or fly condition.
I imagine that is how the women you want to have "straight act" with feel too.
okay i hate how the camp sissy gays act even though i am gay myself. However, usually gays wont make a move unless you are consenting to it.
Even though I consider myself mostly straight (there are occasional exceptions), I was immensely flattered by a lesbian asking me out once.
After I politely declined, she revealed that she'd actually left her ex-girlfriend for me, which was awkward as hell. It all went a bit downhill from there. But hey, that's a whole other matter.
Regardless of the person's orientation, I think it stands as a compliment just the same.
You failed to mention them harassing you, so I get the impression that they just find you attractive. You're homophobic and unfortunately, it's normal.
Well i don't understand your post so here: If they flirt with you tell them you are straight. Not that big of a deal.
If they are touching you sexually or anything of that matter even if you tell them to stop then that is sexual harassment and you can call the cops on them, sue them and/ or file a restraining order.
you know, the most homophobic people are actually closeted homosexuals. i'm not accusing you of anything.