Is it normal i am always looking forward and excited for next dream

Whenever I am about to hit the pillow, I am always looking forward and excited for my next dreaming sequence. There are always a lot of fun stuff going on in my dreams that the boring reality is impossible to offer like fantasy and magic.

I know I feel this way because my daily life is always in repetition and I've faced so many dissapointment for the most parts that it gets so boring at this point.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Doesnormalmatter

    It's normal mate, but I wouldn't call it healthy, at least if the extent is what you seem to imply. The only dreams I'm excited for are about hella kinky shit! Sexy dreams are normal but if you like dreaming more than life itself I would recommend some help mate. Maybe a psychologist?

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    • Thanks for the feedback and recommendation. I do feel guilty about it sometimes when I feel like I am clinging too much on my dreams as a form of escapism whenever I faced dossapointment from reality and living in repetitive lifestyle.

      Even scary nightmares like being chased by hideous creatures felt like sleeping adventure worth remembering for me after waking up. It's like I accept any form of dreams now be it fun, sexy or scary since they always turned out exciting than my real life.

      I've met psychologist before and it's proven I am often stressed, depressed and suffer from self-loathing. I am living in a repetitive lifestyle and life didn't go like I desired most of the times to the point that dreaming turn into my saving grace right now.

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  • IrishPotato

    Some people like to sleep so they don't feel pain.

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  • xRaWxRx

    Feeling excited to dream and escape reality is totally normal. The prospect to experience something different and captivating without worries and to not have to deal with all the repetition and boring everyday with responsibilities and worries can be very exciting. Don't worry, you're not alone with it ;) I too look really forward to dreaming because it provides me with a way to forget about all the stress and worries.

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    • Thank you. It's nice to know I am not alone feeling like this. Maybe dreams are there as a form of short escapism from the sad, boring reality. It does make me somewhat guilty however, when I am too looking forward to dream since it reminds me on how much I am desperate to look for a form escapism since I am sickened of this repetitive life of mine lately.

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      • xRaWxRx

        You're not the only one who feels like this but you can try to change your lifestyle and do more new things (even if it's just going hiking are taking a 5 minute long walk) or spend more time together with your family and friends. This way you don't depend on dreaming your whole day long and are distracted by other things during the day and you can dream all you want at night without feeling guilty. Maybe try telling family and friends about your problem too or even a psychiatrist. Just talking about your feelings and whatever troubles you can help a lot ^^ I do hope you won't feel so guilty about it in future.

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  • megadriver

    I'm not. I like it best when I don't dream. Go to bed, wake up the next day, job done. Sure, it's nice to have a good dream, or a sexy and kinky one, but you sleep best when you don't dream.

    Last night I had a terrible nightmare that also had my parents in it. I woke up, had a glass of water and went to bed. The same damn nightmare continued from the moment before I woke up. And now, awake at 6am, I can't sleep anymore and I'm feeling like shit, thinking what if that nightmare could happen in real life...

    Good thing it's Saturday.
    Maybe gonna have a few drinks to feel better.

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  • palehorse

    Have you tried learning lucid dreaming?

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    • I just had a lucid dream a few weeks ago. I used to lucid dreaming when I was a child and it occured often when I was a teenager. I got lucky most of the time when it occured unintentionally without even trying to achieve it. Whenever I wanted to fly, I flew. Best moments ever! Shame it rarely occured to me now though...

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      • palehorse

        Try searching up some tutorials on it online.

        And if your life is really that boring, you might want to consider changing something up. Dreams are great and all, but they can't replace reality :)

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's a whole other world inside my head when I'm asleep, and dreaming.

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    • I hope you're having fun there as much as I am. I can't imagine how boring it would be if people aren't capable of dreaming during sleep.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Oh yes! If not fun, at least dreams are entertaining.

        I used to have a prescription for Ambien, but I stopped taking it, because it made me like I wasn't dreaming, fuck that. Now I take melatonin.

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