Is it normal i am bisexual and afraid of coming out i will lose everything

I have an uber conservative family except for grandma who is an atheist. They will disown me and I will not be allowed to see my nephew ever again. My sister doesn't like gay people around her kids, because she thinks they are all pedophiles. (yeah)I have problems with depression and am afraid I could not deal with being totally rejected.

The community where I live is very conservative too and I am afraid of losing everything or something bad might happen to me. A lot of my friends and coworkers hate gays.Sometimes I just want to run away and start over.It is getting to be harder and harder to lie about who I am .Any ideas where I could go where everyone would not hate me.I tried to completely straight and did not enjoy it at all.

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77% Normal
Based on 35 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )

    Move away to somewhere you can be yourself.

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  • Arm0se

    Why do you even have to say anything? Unless someone asks it's not really the kind of thing you just bring up in conversation anyway.

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  • OrangeJoe

    where do you live and how do i get there? i'd love to live in a place that hates faggots as much as i do. good on your sister for not letting those gay pedos near her kids

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    • Perdana

      Yes, do that, so the rest of society won't have to deal with you.

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  • Steve2.00

    Ditch your pathetic, bigoted shit-stain of a family and enjoy yourself, your sexuality is none of their business.

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    • skilful_soldier6

      You pretend to be smart on the internet all day because you are a fat asshole with no friends.

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  • TF4H

    It's unfortunate that your community is like that, I empathize.
    I've moved between L.A. and San Francisco (California), there, no one seemed to care what you defined yourself as. It was pretty free spirited. As for coming out to your family, I don't think that's a good idea. Coming out to those closest around you is important, BUT NOT if it sacrifices your SAFETY to do so.
    You should probably talk to a counselor about your depression and about your bisexuality. They could give you some helpful/meaningful advice about sharing who you are with others.
    Escape your town, move to somewhere where you'll feel good about yourself and those around you.
    Again, never come out of it threatens your safety.

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  • yellow.

    You should find someone to confide in until you're ready to come out. Someone you trust and who would love you either way. It might take them some time to adjust but you're still the same person and they'll realize that.

    I found out the person I was in love with was bisexual and it didn't change my love for him. In fact the way he told me and took the time to talk to me about it, meant so much to me to know that he trusted me with that, it made us closer.

    There has to be someone in your life who would love and accept you for who you are.

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  • Poes

    Are you bi-sexual or gay, it seems from your post that you are actually gay...fuck people and their labels anyway, if you enjoy sucking dick, then go and suck some dick, if you enjoy being fucked in the arse, then get somebody who wants to fuck you in the arse.

    It is your body, you are solely the owner of it and you may thus do exactly what you want with it, nobody has the right to instruct you otherwise...the only people who were in that position of power was your parents when you were still a minor after turning 18 years old you are considered an adult and thus have all the power over your body! Enjoy your body and all its beauty, you only live once there is no second chance at a do-over! suck all the dick you want, in fact you may even come over and suck mine!

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  • Perdana

    Try coming out to more people on the 'net, preferably a support group. There are a lot of us out here, and we'll do our best to help you. And if a 'net friendship turns sour, you can just leave it.

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  • croisandwich

    Because I can't have a relationship and enjoy life like a normal person. I am always looking over my shoulder wondering what is gonna happen to me .

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  • ChoosyJeff

    I would help you keep it quiet

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  • Depressed,broken,lover.

    I have nothing to say to help but good luck in what your doing

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  • Crow

    Consider seeing a professional about your depression first. Tackle the problems which won't risk you getting outright disowned before looking into more controversial matters.

    Oh and don't be surprised if you have to run away and start over. It's unfortunate but it does happen.

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