Is it normal i am scared to move out?


Throughout my entire life so far, I have had no social life outside of school and the internet (except family). I never really went anywhere at all, and couldn't really form relationships properly to maintain a friendship with people because of my bad past growing up.

My dad mentioned the future today about how if the family had the money to build a new house, part of the big garage could be converted to an apartment just for me. The idea of the separation (moving out, I don't think it would be right to keep staying but I am unsure, I feel like life is passing me by) just puts a chill in my heart. Family is the strongest bond I have, and those who have always been there for me and know me the best. When I looked it up and read that most people were excited to move and and it felt great, I was just stunned. I know for a fact my mother would cry if I left, maybe it is a cultural thing since she wasn't from the US. My dad always pestered her to give me more freedom to make choices and is completely fine on decisions I make.

This is a 100% serious one guys, what do you say to this? I am not an introvert but probably normal with hints/desires of extroversion, my social skills irl are just too jagged and I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself besides work to pay for an apartment. I imagine I might fall into a depression if I am separate from the people I have known all my life, and I don't have anyone else to go to in real life.

Don't tell me to grow up or suck it up. I've had to deal with and witness all sorts of bad stuff my entire life that has worn out my sensitivity like a large grit sandpaper. I'm usually the guy in the group that would make others laugh and smile but probably have the most burdensome troubles to carry. This is a pretty deep thing for me. If you felt anxious about going to college for the first time, imagine that but amplified x20.

If you want more details just ask me.

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83% Normal
Based on 6 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Murun

    First-world problem.

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  • itchyTitsMcgee

    Leaving home is scary yes. But you'll still be right there right? As you get older you'll get a job meet new people get great friends and thrive. And you'll never lose the connection you have with your family. Its scary but it's something you'll eventually have to do anyway if you want to survive.

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