Is it normal i am socially awkward on levels higher than itself..
I don't know what started this..I can't remember any traumatic experience from my childhood that caused it..but I almost never talk to someone who doesn't talk with me first. It's almost a fear, one that will hold me back in life in so many ways;it has already done so many times. To those who read this and don't think it's a big deal, think about being restrained from talking to even to someone you do on a regular basis. Being shy, or one of many names thrown out for it, isn't taken as literally as it should. It's worse than talking and feeling like a fool anyway, by many times over. You stand out in crowds, or in even a small group. You over-think everything and the anxiety of it goes to your head. You block people out because you can't find the words to describe to them how it really is, and pretty soon you find yourself hiding under the protection of the internet where if you make an ass of yourself you can register another account and try again afterwards. You're hopeless, falling into a hole you dug yourself into by telling yourself you'll change, you'll start again and it's perfectly fine. The worst part is there was a way to get yourself out of the mess you've gotten in, but you were too afraid of what the consequences would be from it. This coming from a Freshman in High-School, never more alone in the world than anyone else. One of the few who doesn't exaggerate their life to make it sound better and not one who depends on other people for sympathy by over-exaggeration. Tell me, is this normal? I already know the answer, I just wanted to share my story that's been sheltered behind the wall I built so carefully.