Is it normal i am socially awkward on levels higher than itself..

I don't know what started this..I can't remember any traumatic experience from my childhood that caused it..but I almost never talk to someone who doesn't talk with me first. It's almost a fear, one that will hold me back in life in so many ways;it has already done so many times. To those who read this and don't think it's a big deal, think about being restrained from talking to even to someone you do on a regular basis. Being shy, or one of many names thrown out for it, isn't taken as literally as it should. It's worse than talking and feeling like a fool anyway, by many times over. You stand out in crowds, or in even a small group. You over-think everything and the anxiety of it goes to your head. You block people out because you can't find the words to describe to them how it really is, and pretty soon you find yourself hiding under the protection of the internet where if you make an ass of yourself you can register another account and try again afterwards. You're hopeless, falling into a hole you dug yourself into by telling yourself you'll change, you'll start again and it's perfectly fine. The worst part is there was a way to get yourself out of the mess you've gotten in, but you were too afraid of what the consequences would be from it. This coming from a Freshman in High-School, never more alone in the world than anyone else. One of the few who doesn't exaggerate their life to make it sound better and not one who depends on other people for sympathy by over-exaggeration. Tell me, is this normal? I already know the answer, I just wanted to share my story that's been sheltered behind the wall I built so carefully.

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 63 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Ükskakspum

    Social anxiety disorder. I have it as well. I even feel judged on internet. That's why I don't comment that often on IIN and don't make long comments at all. The more you write/say the greater chance of being judged there is. At least that's what the anxiety makes me think. I re-think about every word a few times before I write/say anything. Now I'm even scared to click the ''Post Comment'' button.

    After a few minutes of thinking about what might happen, I decided to click it. Here it goes...

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    • q25t

      I don't know about anyone else here, but I judge comments solely on if they're trying to help the OP or if it's a joke and funny, that's good too.

      I know this probably won't help, but please stop worrying, you seem to be one of the helping people.

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    • flamer180

      Go to youtube, stand up for yourself and I think you'll get over it

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  • SangoNyappy

    I never realised how bad was I untill I read this because this is like describing me.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Of course this is normal to the people on this site. A lot of us are anti-social. Nothing wrong with that, you should embrace it even. People are so afraid of being stuck alone with themselves that alone time is used as punishment in many places. If you can live with yourself like that, you're one step ahead of those people.

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  • midnightwolf6

    I have always felt very similar to this. If I don't know someone I find it very hard to strike up conversation with them. Then if I do know someone but don't know what to say I just don't say anything, sometimes it may seem awkward but chances are at some point you will find some friends with similar feelings and you can both just stare off in to the distance feeling no need to talk while still knowing there are things that will be said of some value at one point or another.

    Sometimes I still find myself explaining to people that If I have nothing important to say then I just don't say anything until I do. Often if I'm in a situation where social skills are required I find something that I love a lot (in my case music) and I talk to people about it, say things like what kind of music do you like and whenever i probe long enough to find something in common I try to focus on that until it is no longer necessary to talk. Other times I will just try really hard to think of the weirdest possible question to ask people that usually seems to spark up some funny conversations and I forget all about my problems with being introverted.

    I hope this helps some. Good luck in high school.

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  • xXxPhantomxXx

    I can see where your coming from sort of. I've always been shy/quiet and it got me bullied in school a lot, not to mention only having "friends" that talked to you to make fun of you behind your back. I do have some advice for you though, my sophmore year of HS I started smokin weed and doin drugs to be part of a group of people that never had my well being in mind and didn't care whether I was alive or dead. I stuck with them though because I felt like I belonged even though they treated me like a peasent when they didn't need me to drive them somewhere or didn't need my money. The point being I completely changed my whole way of life and essentially I became like the group of people I was around all the time: A bully, a narcissist, someone who treated everyone like shit without a second thought. So theres my advice don't become a monster, don't let people change you. Be yourself and make an effort to talk more, socialize more, and overall be more comfortable in your own skin because trust me HS can be a living hell if you let it.

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  • noid

    Some Antidepressant medications work wonders for social anxiety. The ones I've tried have helped me a lot.

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  • disfunkshinal

    I used to have this. I was heavily bullied in my high school years though and was the butt of many jokes by my family.

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  • davesumba

    you just described exactly how i am, this coming from a senior in college.

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  • MonkeyButtons

    I used to overthink conversations alot too. People say "just don't over think it!" but then my conversations turn into me saying the first stupid shit I can think of and sort of flat lining the conversation. I got over it though. My advise? Don't overthink it. Say the first stupid shit, It may spoil a few at first but you get the hang of it. Worry less about what they want you to say. Smile, and if you get in trouble, laugh it off, shake your head and say it's been a long day (or GOING to be a long day).

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  • q25t

    You sound similar to how I was freshman year. There were weeks when I didn't speak a word to anyone, even at home.

    I ended up bouncing between 4 or 5 social groups just trying to find a place to fit in. Eventually, I found one that actually seemed to care about what I was saying when I could actually get any words out.

    Hopefully, you can do the same. Freshman year sucks for a lot of people so if you can manage to reach out, you may find people in the same situation you are.

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  • pancakesorwaffles

    You are exactly like me :( I am adding this to favourites!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I used to feel the exact same way and I often still do, but at one point in my life, I got tired of always feeling sorry for myself and I just got out there and made myself talk to people. I forced myself to come out of my bubble.

    When I was in high school, it was just me and my journal. I didn't have friends. I didn't talk to people. I was the one who sat in the corner that no one noticed or paid attention to. In a since, I was afraid to talk to people. When I graduated, I decided I didn't want that for myself anymore.

    What you are going through is not rare amongst teenagers. Your teenage years are the most awkward years of your life, especically socially. If you really want to change, you're going to have to make yourself change, although it may be tough. Talk to someone. Try to start a conversation. Ask yourself what harm can it do. You may find yourself making some friends.

    I'm just saying, sitting here and feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to go away. I asure you, I was the exact same way in high school, and people always told me that the only way it's going to stop is if I make it stop. Right now, you're still in high school, but I believe that, as you get older, socializing will get a lot easier.

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  • Riddler

    Lots of people are socially awkward.

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  • Abbeycanfly

    DUDE, so this is where my post went.

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  • lifescape17

    You basically described me and that kinda creeps me out. I don't talk to people unless they talk to me first and sometimes I don't talk people even then. Plus I also feel that I stop moving for to long I won't be able to move again. I tend to talk to myself alot and keep to myself. I dont like to get on chat sites or make accounts for very many sites, I don't even like checking my email for fear that someone is going to try and send a hackers email.

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  • EccentricWeird2

    The magic of TL;DR is to post demeaning comments even though you don't give enough of a shit to read the post. Therefore:

    You are ugly.


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