Is it normal i am very pro defense killing?

A lot of peoples problems I hear about could be solved as easily as killing the person who is causing the problem.

Now I don't think people should just go around murdering each other, but in situations where someone is making violent threats, or being abusive, or breaking into someone's house (Its best to assume they are armed) or any other threatening behavior, that gives the go ahead to send them to the morgue.

Personally I feel these kinds of killings should not only be legal, but be encouraged. The problem is bad guys could use this rule as an excuse for killing someone who didn't have it coming, so as a rule there would have to be some evidence the person was being threatening before the killing.

I am often completely baffled why people do not kill in certain situations because it seriously cannot be that hard.

I've never actually killed anyone, but I haven't needed to, but if anyone ever threatened or was violent towards me or someone I cared about, I would actually feel good about getting rid of them and I have already done enough thinking about what I would do to guarantee I wasn't caught if it happened.

I am disappointed that most people are too cowardly to kill for safety of themselves and those who they care about.

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 45 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • hairyfairy

    I think that people who are victims of stalking, bullying, or domestic violence should not be sent to jail for killing the perpetrator, they should be given a medal for ridding the world of scum.

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    • defmaxinechinorocha


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  • seakelp

    "The problem is bad guys could use this rule as an excuse for killing someone who didn't have it coming, so as a rule there would have to be some evidence the person was being threatening before the killing."

    Your system seems very easy to abuse. The reason we have the police and due process and the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" is because those things do a better job of protecting the citizenry's rights then vigilantes going around and murdering people who bug them.

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    • Personally I support not having police and letting people fend for their own protection vigilante style. That way people will keep their shit together because they are afraid of other people and not the government.

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      • seakelp

        The problem with that is that someone would end up concentrating coercive power, the main difference between that concentrated coercive power and the one we currently have is that it wouldn't be democratically controlled.

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  • Fall_leaves

    You can't go kill a guy when he reaches in his coat pocket to get a candy bar just because he looked suspicious.

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    • ExoticMayanSaturday

      But what if as he pulls it out it isn't a candy bar, it also depends on the situation I'm sure if someone was trying to hurt you and they reach for they're pocket they aren't gonna whip out the candy bar of friendship hahaha :)

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      • VirgilManly

        Because if you shoot someone who is reaching for a candybar you go to jail or get a lethal injection.

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  • defmaxinechinorocha

    I somewhat agree... although I wouldn't kill someone who broke into my house unless I knew they posed too much of a threat to approach (i'd sure as hell make sure they were in pain before the cops got there though and claim castle defense) I do think its bullshit that innocent people who defend themselves are often the ones who become part of a court case and can even go to jail (i.e. its happened with cops, and i've heard of guys subduing purse snatchers and being held overnight while the crook got off scot free) I think its stupid that a criminal can get a lawyer and have a better case than the guy who caught him in the act and punished him accordingly IN HIS OWN HOME (seriously, we have domain laws for a reason) so you may be jumping the gun a bit but I definetly think its normal to call bullshit on people practically enviting hoods into their homes and not acting when they get sticky fingers

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  • Treehugger29

    Personally, I think that all punsihments should be death. If you stole from a shop: Death. Killed an innocent person: Death. Lets see who is brave enough to keep it going.

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    • sega31098

      I'm sure you have run into illegal images online. Copyright infringement: Death.

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  • Nokiot9

    Nihilism anyone? Lol anarchy with a rule book. You have no idea how I wish vigilante justice was legal. I got someone who stole a bunch of money from me on my hit list. I was just gonna put a bullet in his spine so he can't run off with any one else's money again. I ain't gonna KILL im.

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  • Parky_Parker

    Are you Dexter?

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  • AppleMind

    So you want to end another living persons life without knowing why it was that they burglarized your home?

    What if they were coerced somehow? What if they didn't have the money to buy their kid food or an insulin shot?

    People without moral flexibilty scare me far more than any thief.

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    • defmaxinechinorocha

      What if someone pointed a gun at you and said hit the deck? Do you think you'd be thinking about the kids that guy could possibly have? Because your basically saying it'd be fine if some guy killed or robbed me or anyone else, they'd just be helping their kids right? That'd justify him robbing you or killing you, but couldn't justify you stopping him? What about your kids? You making his kids fatherless is a no no, but him making your kids fatherless/motherless is alright? I'd be the last person to kill someone if I didn't have to, but damn what you said makes no sense morals, or no morals. I'd definetly try to subdue a robber before I killed him, but if we were having a showdown i'd shoot before him. I don't want to hurt anyone and I sure as hell don't want to make anyone an orphan, but when it comes time to act i'm not going to be the one on the floor of my own home bleeding out.

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    • If someone breaks into my house I will assume they have a weapon. If you break into somebodys house you should know the risk of getting shot.

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  • Soilworker2099

    it's simple to me...Capitol crimes = Capitol punishment...

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    • Soilworker2099

      To further that, your a guy and you rape a girl and scar her for life maybe someone should chop your cocknballs off, you steal cut the hand off( now we're not talking the theft everyday our governments can do to us... That's all exempt from us of course... Because we can go eff all anyway, you kill someone you get killed... Make the deterrent for crime higher and crime stops...

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      • seakelp

        Maybe that's why crime rates are so much lower in the Middle East...

        lol just kidding they aren't

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        • Soilworker2099

          Middle East is all kinds a fucked saving those idiots

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      • Soilworker2099

        And to further that thought.... I'm talking about conviction not just presumption here.... And I'm talking major crime... Not petty shit.

        Heinous crimes....

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  • Tommythecat.

    "I've never actually killed anyone, but I haven't needed to, but if anyone ever threatened or was violent towards me or someone I cared about, I would actually feel good about getting rid of them and I have already done enough thinking about what I would do to guarantee I wasn't caught if it happened"

    NO, you would puke everywhere and not stop shaking for hours.

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    • Maybe. It's impossible to know how anything feels until it's done. Maybe guaranteeing to not be caught isn't necessarily 100% either. I'm being dumb enough to post these thoughts online it seems. I often write these things when I'm angry about something.
      However I wouldn't have a problem with shooting someone breaking in my house or someone badly hurting anyone I care about. I maybe don't know how I will react afterwards but I keep a gun hidden just in case.
      The reason I think I think about these things is as a kid I didn't have a whole lot of friends and when I did make friends they were sometimes in usually past abusive situations and it made me very angry the people who accepted me had shitty lives.

      I read the news everyday too from sources all over the world and see all the things that could be prevented if people stood up for themselves more. I'm not so concerned about what adults do to each other because they are independent but I do care about kids a lot because they are dependent on the independent.

      I support gun rights even though I've had a close friend die from a gun, but used correctly they are important and without them people will do whatever bad idea they wanted to with something else. I think my old friend would feel the same.

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      • Tommythecat.

        Oh I get where you're coming from and I agree, I'm the same way. I just ment that killing someone is quite gruesome and nerve wracking, it seriously physically effects a person even if they are defending themselves.

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  • Diver2

    I think you are a closet homosexual!

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