Is it normal i been drinking to function better at work?

I perform way better at work when I am drunk or have at least a little alchohol in my system. The problem is I have severe anxiety and can not express my emotions well. My freind thinks I have ptsd which would make sense. What should I do about this?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    That's really unhealthy and could easily turn into alcoholism. Plus it's just a coping mechanism, it's not trying to fix your problems properly. You should go talk to a counsellor about your anxiety and start trying to work through it. Make it a new year's resolution.

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    • Shackleford96

      Make it a resolution that doesn't have anything to do with new years. Daily resolutions are where it's at!

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    as long as you can land the plane smoothly its fine

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  • olderdude-xx

    I highly suggest that you get counseling.

    The alcohol making you perform better at work is only temporary; and it will degrade into making you less effective at work, and likely ultimately getting fired.

    You need to address your mental health and resolve things enough to live a more normal life such that you do not need alcohol as a crutch.

    Please note that unfortunately, it often takes 2-3 attempts to find the right counselor to take you through the entire process, although most any of them will be able to assist you with the basics.

    I wish you well with this,

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      I agree with olderdude. It’s going to get worse and you’re libel to have an accident or get fired.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    If you continue like this, you will also need alcohol to start the day at all. What starts with a few drinks a week ends with a badly damaged liver and a craving that you can't stop on your own without help.

    I have often had a level of 3.0 up to 3.8 per mille for a long time, all day long. I didn't go to the doctor about it, I don't even want to know how my organs were damaged by it. At that time, I functioned neither with nor without alcohol. I can say that I'm pretty out of shape and I feel anything but good. It has exacerbated my other illnesses.

    I have been clean for a few months now. You can't count me among the top class of alcoholics, but I definitely had a strong tendency and was sick.

    It's better to seek psychological help and, if necessary, psychiatric treatment. Alcohol is not a permanent solution to your problems. It will take you to hell in the worst case.

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    • OhI was doing whiskey n coffee at my thriftstore job. Shocked they never caught me! Was still the best damn worker they had.

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  • kikilizzo

    There is medication to calm anxiety.
    That is better than turning yourself into an alcoholic.

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  • bigbudchonger

    It depends on your job, but if your job isn't something that requires you to be sober for safety reasons then although it's risky I think you can function like that. I function drunk myself a lot as well.

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  • Switch to weed.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Yep, weed needs to be legalized.

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  • raisinbran

    What’s your job that requires you to express emotion?

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